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学生在学习过程中需要对信息的加工、转化进行自我调节,通过同化和顺应完成知识的建构,而反思是自我建构的高级阶段。在中考英语中要倡导反思性学习,通过反思性学习,加强了师生互动,提高了学生学习的兴趣与积极性。在实际教学运用中,要引导学生在解题过程中进行反思,并对自己的思考过程进行反思,最后引导学生对初中阶段所学知识进行反思总结。经过一学期的反思性学习培养和训练,学生对英语的学习兴趣、学习动机,学习成绩以及师生关系都发生了较大的变化。将反思性学习贯穿到学生学习的整个过程之中,不但有助于学生成良好的学习习惯,也有利于学生学习主动性的增强、学习积极性的高涨,为进一步提高学生的学习成绩打下良好的基础。 In the process of learning, students need to self-regulate the processing and transformation of information and complete the construction of knowledge through assimilation and adaptation, which is the advanced stage of self-construction. Reflective learning should be advocated in senior high school entrance examination. Through reflective learning, the interaction between teachers and students should be strengthened and the interest and enthusiasm of students should be enhanced. In practical teaching and application, we should guide students to reflect on the process of problem solving and reflect on their own thinking process, and finally guide students to reflect on the knowledge they have learned from junior high school. After a semester of reflective learning training and training, students’ interest in learning English, motivation, academic performance and teacher-student relationship have undergone major changes. The reflective learning through to the entire process of student learning, not only help students become good study habits, but also conducive to the initiative of students to learn more, enthusiasm for learning to improve, to further improve the academic performance of students to lay a good basis.
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目的 :通过不同照射方法对鼻咽癌茎突后间隙侵犯进行放疗 ,以比较二者之间的疗效、探讨鼻咽癌茎突后侵犯的放疗方法。结果 :面颈联合野组以下简称面颈组 ,5年存活率 39.8% (3
江苏省淮安市历来重视水利工程水费收交工作。今年7月8日,市政府副市长王友富在全市防汛工作会议上就水费问题作了重要讲话,提出了三点要求: 一是各级领导思想上必须确立水
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两段分级已肯定在许多方面超过了一段分级。这些优点是: 1.分级的精确度较好; 2.磨矿能量消耗较少; 3.细粒产品颗粒粒度分布的范围絞窄; 4.矿泥中细粒产品占的比例较小; 5.