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  It’s called Archicebus, roughly meaning beginning long-tailed monkey. Actually, this creature lived before the monkeys we know of today—55 million years ago, a mere ten million years after the dinosaurs[恐龙] died out. But Archicebus had some primitive[原始的] features[特征] we associate[把……联系起来] with monkeys and the rest of the primates[灵长类动物]. It had big eye sockets[眼窝], for example, and they are angled in a way that meant the animal had good stereo vision[立体视觉]. It had nails instead of claws and grasping[抓,紧握] digits[手指或足趾], and other unique traits[特性].
  Many of these would have been good for living in trees and, perhaps, capturing[捕获] insects. Christopher Beard: It’s a fossil[化石] that shows a combination[结合] of features that we’ve simply never seen before…in any living or fossil primate.
  Christopher Beard is with the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, in Pittsburgh, and worked on the team.
  The fossil was discovered by a farmer in China. Alive, the animal weighed an ounce and would fit in the palm of your hand. The skeleton’s[骨架] completeness[完整性] and its great age are extraordinary. It was a special time in evolution. The first primates were emerging. Over time, they would evolve and diverge[分叉] into numerous body types and behaviors; some becoming monkeys, some lemurs[狐猴], and one would eventually evolve into us—Homo sapiens[智人(现代人的学名)].
  Beard says the lineage[血统] Archicebus was on may not have been the one we came from. Beard: But in any case, the take-home picture should be that here is a fossil that’s very, very close to that evolutionary divergence[分歧].
  And apparently[显然地], that divergence happened in Asia. Writing in the journal[定期刊物] Nature, the scientists say Archicebus may be the earliest primate skeleton ever found. Duke University anthropologist[人类学家] Richard Kay says, well, maybe. It’s a murky[不清楚的] field of study—some other primate fossils might qualify. But Archicebus was certainly close kin[血缘关系] to the first primate and it could help answer some crucial[至关紧要的] questions.
  Richard Kay: Why did this group of animals get really well-developed vision? Why did they get rid of perfectly good claws and start to have nails on their fingers? And a lot of other characteristics[特征], they beg an answer as to why did this change occur.
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