Time synchronization in communication networks based on the Beidou foundation enhancement system

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:reemchan
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Communication networks rely on time synchronization information generated by base station equipment(either the Global Navigation Satellite System receiver or rubidium atomic clock) to enable wireless networking and communications. Meanwhile, the time synchronization among base stations depends on the Network Time Protocol. With the development of mobile communication systems, the corresponding time synchronization accuracy has increased as well. In this case, the use of sparsely distributed-high-precision synchronization points to synchronize time for an entire network with high precision is a key problem and is the foundation of the enhanced network communication. The current receiver equipment for China’s digital synchronous network typically includes dedicated multi-channel GPS receivers for communication; however, with the development of GPS by the USA, network security has been destabilized and reliability is low. Nonetheless, network time synchronization based on Beidou satellite navigation system timing devices is an inevitable development trend for China’s digital communications network with the establishment of the independently developed BDS, especially the implementation and improvement of the Beidou foundation enhancement system. Communication networks rely on time synchronization information generated by base station equipment (either the global Navigation Satellite System receiver or rubidium atomic clock) to enable wireless networking and communications. Meanwhile, the time synchronization among base stations depends on the Network Time Protocol. With the development of mobile communication systems, the corresponding time synchronization accuracy has increased as well. In this case, the use of sparsely distributed-high-precision synchronization points to synchronize time for an entire network with high precision is a key problem and is the foundation of the enhanced network communication. The current receiver equipment for China’s digital synchronous network typically includes dedicated multi-channel GPS receivers for communication; however, with the development of GPS by the USA, network security has been destabilized and reliability is low. Nonetheless, network time synchronization based on Beidou satellite navigation system timing devices is an inevitable development trend for China’s digital communications network with the establishment of the partially developed BDS, especially the implementation and improvement of the Beidou foundation enhancement system.
大公鸡,怎么画?宝宝,请你按照图示,在数字“1”和“5”上巧妙地添上几笔,画出一只威风凛凛的大公鸡。  加点料  ●妈妈可以和宝宝一起畫一画大公鸡,在草稿纸上画数字1和5,注意这两个数字的距离不要过远,先添加几笔变为鸡身和鸡尾,再画上翅膀和脚,一只公鸡就画好了。  ●妈妈扫描二维码,和宝宝一起观看本方案教程。  ●妈妈引导宝宝说一说,数字1和5分别像什么?这两个数字分别可以画出什么动物呢?宝宝还对
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介绍了焊接机器人行走机构的磁轮设计方案选择、设计要求、安装工艺和设计原理。该机构克服了导轨式焊接机器人的缺点 ,可以实现无导轨焊接的全位置行走。通过实践验证了该机
001 祸事不断    印第安纳步行者队二年级球员肖恩·威廉姆斯最近可说是祸事不断,日前他因携带大麻和违章驾驶被警方逮捕。  威廉姆斯是在2006年选秀大会第一轮第17顺位被步行者选中。根据警方报告,当一辆深色窗户的SUV违规行驶于车道上时,警官丹尼·雷诺德随即拦下了该车,逮捕了21岁的驾驶员威廉姆斯和同车的另两名男子。例行检查的时候,警官雷诺德还注意到该车所使用的田纳西州牌照已经过期。这些让警官