小小便民卡 情暖百姓家

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大方县羊场镇以开展先进性教育活动为契机,提出“实践‘三个代表’,从细节做起”的理念,用一张小小《便民联系卡》,把党群、干群关系拉得更近了。近日, 在全省保持共产党员先进性教育活动巡回检查组组长交流汇报会上,羊场镇的这一做法得到了中央先进性教育巡回检查组的充分肯定。由于《便民联系卡》上提供了干部的电话号码,规定了服务的范围和内容,因此无论干部在哪里,老百姓不用跑路就能把要办的事情在电话里弄个明白,打破了时间和空间上的限制,极大地方便了农民群众。现在,该镇干部下村开展工作,群众熟悉、理解、支持、客气、干群的感情融洽了,工作起来得心应手,就连天下第一难事——计划生育工作,也好做了。据统计,推行《便民联系卡》以来,全镇干部职工共为群众办实事、好事1500多件,大到修路引水,小到解答问题和代办有关证件、证明。 Sheep Town, Dafang County took the initiative of carrying out advanced education and put forward the idea of ​​“practicing the ’Three Represents’ and starting from the details.” Using a small “convenience contact card” Closer. Recently, at the exchange and reporting session of the head of the tour inspection team for maintaining the advanced nature of Party members in the province, this practice of Yangdian has been fully affirmed by the education inspection team of the advanced nature education. Since the telephone number of the cadres is provided on the “convenience contact card”, which stipulates the scope and content of the service, people can understand what they want to do on the phone without breaking the road, breaking the time and space On the restrictions, which greatly facilitate the peasant masses. Now, the town cadre under the village to carry out the work, the masses are familiar with, understand, support, polite, cadres and the feelings of harmony, work up handy, and even the most difficult thing in the world - family planning work, or do. According to statistics, since the implementation of the “convenience contact card”, the cadres and workers in the town have worked for the masses for a total of more than 1,500 pieces of good deeds, ranging from water diversions to small roads to answering questions and handling charge d’affaires and certificates.