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第一次出席人——財委杜任之、合作總社張人偉、商業廳王文清、監業公司米青、花布公司孫久吉、鐵路局王少虞、皮毛公司師一之、土產公司王昌、百貨公司李恒久、煤礦公司劉相貞、王蓋、工業廳申金玉、煤鐵公司强文業、交通局霍、趙二局長。第二次出席人——財委杜任之、市財委任善征、工業廳李培林、陽泉政府工商局王天如、陽泉煤鐵公司李功達、商業廳王文清、工業廳李崗、省總社支永年、鐵路局趙林卿、田繼會。甲、各公營企業部門對路局的意見: 所需車皮不能按時按數撥給,有時僅批五○%,而且時間遲緩,這樣就容易發生以下幾種情况: 一、有季節性的產品不能及時推銷(如山貨、棉花、煤炭。) 二、影響城鄉物資交流(如合作總社對土產品與粮食的調度問題) 三、影響生產,加大成本;(如煤礦公司因儲煤過多,費工誤時,減低生產效率:或因大炭儲存日久,變成混煤,加大成本。) 要求路局今後對撥車應分別輕重緩急。如路局遇有特殊情况,原批准車皮不能如數撥給時,應事前通知各托運戶,以便及時改變自己的業務計劃。乙、鐵路局對各托運戶意見: 一、貨主提出計畫多不確實:有的是估計性的,有的本身並無實物可運,只是代一般商人辦運輸手續牧手續費,以致引起其他公私單位不满,同時路局也無法審核與掌握:有的是要多用少;有的計劃重複:有分、支機構部門提出計劃,多有重複,(最嚴重的,有多至三、四份),以後最好由總機構統一掌握各分、支單位的運輸需要,提出整個計 The first attendance - Du Ren of the Finance Committee, Zhang Renwei, the cooperative headquarters, Wang Wenqing, the Commercial Department, Mi Qing, the cloth company Sunjiu Ji, Wang Shaoyu Railway Bureau, the fur company division, the native company Wang Chang , Department store Li Heng long, coal mining company Liu Xiangzhen, Wang Gai, Shen Jinyu Industrial Department, the strong iron and steel industry, the Department of Transportation Huo, Zhao two Director. The second attendance - Du Ren of the Finance Committee, Ren Zhengzheng of Municipal Finance Commission, Li Peilin of Industry Department, Wang Tianru of Yangquan Government and Industry Bureau, Li Gongda of Yangquan Coal and Iron Company, Wang Wenqing of Commerce Department, Li Gang of Industrial Office, Railway Bureau Zhao Linqing, Tian Jihui. A, the public sector departments on the Road Administration’s opinion: the required wagon can not be allocated on time, sometimes only approved 50%, and time delay, so prone to the following situations: First, there are seasonal (Such as mountain goods, cotton, coal.) Second, the impact of urban and rural exchanges of materials (such as cooperatives on the scheduling of native products and food issues) Third, affect production and increase costs; (such as coal mining companies due to coal storage Too much, time-consuming work, reduce production efficiency: or because of the long-term storage of carbon into coal, increasing costs.) Requirements Road Bureau in the future should be prioritized by the car should be prioritized. If the road bureau meets special circumstances, the original approval of the wagon can not be allocated in large quantities, the consignors should be informed in advance in order to promptly change their business plans. B, Railways comments on the consignors: First, the plan proposed by the shipowner is more imprecise: some are estimative and some are not physically deliverable. They only cost the animal husbandry fee on behalf of the ordinary traders for handling of the transport. As a result, other public and private units Dissatisfaction, at the same time the Bureau can not audit and mastery: some should be less with more; some plans repeat: there are points, branch agencies plan, repeated, (the most serious, up to three or four), the most It is good that the head office should grasp the transport needs of all branches and sub-units in a unified manner and put forward the entire plan
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