
来源 :中国建设教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:handong007
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“打造首都经济圈”是国家统筹区域经济协调发展的重要组成部分,已于2011年被正式写入国家“十二五”规划,上升为国家层面的发展战略。本文阐述了首都经济圈的历史沿革与总体概况,总结了京津冀三地产业结构调整的进程、特点,列示出首都经济圈需要重点发展的工业行业和优势产业。概而论之,首都圈作为中国北方最大且最富活力的区域,从整体上已形成“三二一”的产业格局,内部各城市在优势工业行业选择和发展方面也形成了大致的产业分工轮廓,但京津冀三地在产业结构及各产业内部结构上仍有需要提高和调整的地方。要从整体角度对首都经济圈产业结构优化、产业梯度转移和产业集群发展进行统筹规划,三地应谋求错位发展,实现资源优势互补。 The “Building the Capital Economic Circle” is an important component of coordinating the coordinated development of regional economy in the country. It was officially written into the “12th Five-Year Plan” of the state in 2011 and has been upgraded to a national-level development strategy. This article expounds the historical evolution and general situation of the capital economic circle, summarizes the process and characteristics of industrial restructuring in the three places of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and lists the industrial sectors and advantageous industries that need to be emphatically developed in the capital economic circle. In short, as the largest and most dynamic region in north China, the metropolitan area has formed an industrial pattern of “three two one” as a whole. Each of the cities in the interior has also formed a general pattern of choice and development of advantageous industrial sectors Industrial division of labor profiles, but Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei in the industrial structure and the internal structure of various industries still need to improve and adjust the place. From the overall perspective of the capital economy circle industrial structure optimization, industrial gradient transfer and industrial cluster development overall planning, the three should seek development of dislocation, to achieve complementary advantages of resources.
这里,向大家介绍一位非同寻常的艺术家Zac Freeman。他在过去10年里收集了17种不同类型的废品垃圾,然后把它们拼成了各种人物画像,这个过程是相当令人惊讶的,其中很多细节令
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澳门是一个族群关系复杂的社会,本文论述了影响澳门主体族群广东人和主导族群土生葡人之间关系的三个主要因素:族际通婚、宗教和族群认同。 Macau is a complex community of