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近期的全国消费者意向调查结果显示 ,无论城市和农村 ,消费者认为价格偏高的商品和服务普遍集中在医疗和教育上。在城镇 ,分别有 79.68%和 71 .2 7%的消费者家庭认为医疗和教育价格偏高 ,选择比例远远高于其他选项。说明教育和医疗体制改革增加了消费者教育和医疗的负担 ,对消 The results of the recent nationwide survey of consumer intentions show that consumers and consumers in cities and rural areas believe that high-priced goods and services are generally concentrated in health care and education. In cities and towns, 79.68% and 71.2% of consumers think that the prices of medical care and education are high, and the proportion of choice is far higher than other options. Explain that the education and health care system reform has increased the burden of consumer education and medical care.
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针对学生在写作时词汇运用上存在的问题,在英语写作教学的过程中,我们可以采取以下措施来解决。  一、重视学生词块意识的培养和话题词块的积累  词块是具有预制性的整体存储单位,可以提高语言表达的准确度和地道性。写作时学生可以从记忆中以整体形式提取,无须再临时考虑词句组合的规则及结构的正确性,大大减少了遣词造句的负担,增强了表达的流畅性和连贯性。因此教师可以从高一开始向学生渗透词块意识,并引导学生积累话
王忠武在《东岳论丛》今年第六期撰文认为 ,人的发展是人在知识、改造、接受和利用客体的过程中实现的 ,而认识、改造、接受和利用客体的过程实质上也是人支付成本的消费过程
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