
来源 :国际行政科学评论(中文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:littlesilverfox
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对立法过程中时间的研究,到目前为止通常把时间理解为(整个过程的或某个阶段的)持续。本文对现有研究的贡献在于,提出一种研究时间的新方法,这种方法把时间作为一种分析单元,应用于从法案提出,到议员辩论,到最终通过的整个时间过程。立法过程通常被看作是法案在最终通过之前必须经过的阶段序列,每一阶段花费的相对时间差别很大。本文旨在探索在这些相对时间过程中,哪些因素导致了这些差异。为此目的,本文采用了差异序列分析工具,这是一种通常用于研究职业史或生命过程的方法。分析采用的样本是意大利从1987—2008年通过的法案。对实践工作者的启示随着纵向数据越来越容易获得,对有关时间变化的社会科学理论关注得越来越多,社会科学学者越来越重视序列分析工具。学者们越来越认识到,这套方法能够解决新的问题,对于当前时间数据研究的技术而言,可能是一个有效的补充。本文展示了一个序列分析案例,超出了生命或职业生涯研究范围,这些范围是序列分析的主要应用领域。更重要的是,它展示了一种新技术的应用,即差异分析,这使得我们能够在解释框架中研究轨迹与相关协变量之间的关系。 The study of the time in the legislative process has so far often understood the passage of time as continuing (throughout the process or at some stage). The contribution of this paper to the current research is to propose a new method of studying time that uses time as an analytical unit for the whole process from the proposal of the bill to the debates of the legislators and finally to the passage of time. The legislative process is often seen as a sequence of stages that the bill must go through before it is finally approved, and the relative time spent at each stage varies widely. The purpose of this article is to explore what causes these differences during these relative times. To this end, this article uses a differential sequence analysis tool, a method commonly used to study occupational history or life processes. The sample used in the analysis was the act passed by Italy from 1987-2008. Enlightenment to Practitioners As longitudinal data becomes more readily available, more attention is paid to social science theories about time-change, and social science scholars are placing more emphasis on sequence analysis tools. Scholars are increasingly realizing that this method can solve new problems and may be an effective complement to the current research on time-based data. This article presents a case study of sequence analysis beyond the scope of life or career studies, which are the main areas of application of sequence analysis. More importantly, it shows the application of a new technique, differential analysis, which allows us to study the relationship between trajectories and related covariates in the framework of interpretation.
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从深渊爬上  终于又看见西山了  从雨雾的深渊中它爬上来  头顶五层云  灰的一层,白的一层  黄的、金的、黑的各一层  在黄昏,也像你的暮年  蹚过泥淖的焦躁  终于爬过了水的峰顶  那深渊灌注了42个昆明湖  三天三夜连续不停  五层云都是安静的  最多像经幡飘动  望见月亮的时候它已经变得很小  你全然看不见它升起的过程  晚餐后  我要在晚年重新开始写诗  三十年前她曾这样说  说说而已