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潘天寿是20世纪中国画四大家之一,又是杰出的艺术教育家,他从传统中走来,面对西学东渐、反传统、竞时尚、中国画被视为落后保守的时代大气氛下,仍坚信中国画的文化价值,主张中西绘画拉开距离,从优秀的民族文化中吸取丰富的营养,引书入画,开创了山水与花鸟画相融合的现代中国画的新天地。本文主要从“‘以书入画’的传统取向”、“诗化的自然情怀”、“雄强大气的构图特色”三个方面对潘天寿的艺术做出初步探讨。 Pans Tianshou is one of the four major Chinese painters in the 20th century and an outstanding art educator. He walked from the tradition and faced the great atmosphere of the era when western culture was gradually getting on the east, anti-traditional and competitive, and Chinese painting was regarded as backward and conservative. Still firmly believe in the cultural value of Chinese painting, claim that the Chinese and Western paintings are far away from the excellent national culture to absorb a wealth of nutrition, cited books and paintings, creating a landscape and flowers and birds painting modern Chinese painting a new world. This article mainly discusses Pan Tianshou’s art from three aspects: traditional orientation of book-to-painting, natural feelings of poetic nature and compositional features of magnificent character.
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