Cultural Differences between the West and China and Their Implications for Cross—cultural Communicat

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lubiaofs
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  【Abstract】Cultural differences can easily lead to misunderstandings, embarrassments, shocks and even conflicts when it comes to cross-cultural communications. It is, therefore, imperative that those engaged, or to be engaged in international communications should understand the inherent differences between different cultures and develop a cultural sensitivity in order to ensure a smooth and free communication of ideas. This essay herein seeks to explore the developmental history of western and Chinese cultures and their cultural disparities, as well as analyze their implications for communicative efforts between peoples of the two cultures.
  【Key words】cultural differences; agrarian civilization; nomadic civilization; cross-cultural communications
  1. Introduction
  Evidently, with the increasing globalization and growing international trade, business and social exchanges, it is inevitable that different cultures are also increasingly interacting with one another. As a result, people from different cultures are realizing that communication is not only a matter of language, but also heavily influenced by cultural factors. Whereas people in individualistic cultures such as America and west Europe where independent personality plays a leading role pursue differentiations from others, people in interdependent cultures like Asian nations where an interconnected role is valued are more concerned with their interrelations with other people and the environment, since existence is only meaningful when put in a social context. To a certain degree, the effects of cultural differences overshadow those of languages in social contacts. Grasping the differences of cultural styles is therefore essential to meeting the challenges in cross-cultural communication. The subject of cross-cultural communication has, as a result, become a subsidiary field of applied linguistics and is being taught in ever more institutes of higher learning.
  2. The Importance of Cross-cultural Communication to Contemporary China
  With a fast growing number of Chinese people and businesses venturing beyond the borders, cross-cultural communication between them and their foreign counterparts is becoming more and more prevalent. One particular force to consider is the overseas M&A spree of Chinese corporations witnessed in recent years. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Commerce of China, Chinese corporations made 459 acquisitions of offshore businesses in 63 countries and regions from January to July 2016, spending a total of 54.3 billion dollars on deals covering 15 sectors such as information, telecommunications, software, and information services. The Report on Business Management of Overseas Financial Risks 2016 pointed out, however, barely 20% of those overseas M&A deals by Chinese corporations succeeded partly due to cultural issues in the integration process. According to the world’s biggest business consultancy provider, Accenture, 58% of the M&A deals have so far created values to companies globally, but the figure is only 46% for Chinese companies. In the words of Mirko Dier, head of Accenture Global M&A Division, the biggest challenge for Chinese corporations operating offshore projects remains to be cultural differences.   Because of cultural differences, people think of and interpret the world differently and it is often reflected on the languages. The same expression may mean totally different things in different cultures. While to Chinese people, the expression ‘quite good’ definitely means ‘very good’, to the British people, nevertheless, it means ‘a bit disappointing’. You can imagine what such a kind of misunderstanding will imply in a business negotiation.
  3. The Cultural Differences between China and the West and Their Implications for Cross-cultural Communication
  The Chinese civilization has long been influenced by a strong agrarian culture, while the western civilization was historically dominated by a nomadic one, as a result of which, the Chinese people were more family-oriented and concerned with domestic affairs, but their western counterparts more independent, nature-inclined and outwards-looking. Naturally, the most famous historic figures in China were often writers and poets, whereas in the west, those most revered were often scientists.
  The Chinese people thus care more about the connotations but westerns the logics in their communication approach, so grammar is valued in their language. If you want to know if someone has had dinner, for example, the expression in English is rather fixed to be ‘have you had dinner?’, whilst in Chinese, you can say ‘你吃飯了嗎’,‘吃饭了吗你’,‘吃了吗’,or ‘饭吃了吗’. Can you image the confusion that will give to foreigners?
行动研究(Action Research)是20世纪30年代美国的科利尔(J. Collier)和勒温(K. Lewin)等倡导的一种全新的社会科学研究模式。行动研究即边探索边行动,从实际问题出发,通过研究、实践、解决问题,探索新理论,进而指挥下一步的实践。笔者作为一线教师,利用行动研究法编写具有宁波“本土化”特色的《中职旅游英语口语》教材。  一、研究背景  1.全国旅游业和宁波旅游业发展状况。
一、学情分析  此教学设计面向小学三年级学生。他们喜欢直观丰富的学习活动,喜欢边玩边学的学习模式,能较清晰地表达自己的观点,也具备初步的自主、合作和探究学习能力,即能通过角色扮演、小组竞赛、任务协作等合作学习策略进行学习。  他们经过半年多的英语学习,对26个字母在单词中的基本发音有较好的理解,能够拼读拼写一些简单的单音节词或双音节词。熟悉b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p等在单词中作
【Abstract】Amy Chua, the lifelong professor of Law School of Yale University, has published the book called Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother which refers to her own experience on educating her two daugh
【摘要】课堂教学用语是初中英语教学活动中的一个重要组成部分,课堂教学用语质量直接关系着课堂教学效果。在对常熟市的初中英语课堂教学用语的调查研究过程中,研究者发现教师所使用的语言或多或少存在一些问题,并在一定程度上削弱了课堂教学效果。本论文主要分析常熟市初中英语课堂教学用语存在的问题并针对这些问题提出相应的解决措施,以期促进英语课堂教学,对初中英语课堂教学起到一定的辅助作用。  【关键词】初中英语
【Abstract】This essay, from synchronic point of view, is to introduce three important books that play a vital role in the history Chinese linguistics, which also makes a major contribution to the devel
【摘要】自“信达雅”翻译标准被提出以来,一直饱受争议,但截至目前为止,“信达雅”仍然是我国翻译实践中最具代表性的标准体系。本文将从不同角度对“信达雅”的理论观点进行剖析和解读,从争议中探讨其理论的创新,并站在应用与发展的角度,探讨“信达雅”的实践支点和探索过程。  【关键词】理论创新 实践支点 翻译标准 “信达雅”  前言  翻译标准一直是翻译理论研究中最基本的问题,严复在《译例言》中提出的“译事
【摘要】中日一衣带水,文化交流也不停歇尤其兴盛的就是小说的流传。日本作家村上春树的小说 《挪威的森林》在中国影响颇深。这部小说在中国大陆传播最广泛的译文要属林少华先生的译本。其中比喻的修辞在《挪》中运用颇多且传神,因此在翻译中如何译好比喻句,对于翻译这篇小说来说,是一个重大课题。以往的分析都集中在翻译手法层面,本文通过韦努蒂(Venuti)的归化异化翻译策略,对林氏翻译中的比喻句进行分析,从而归纳
I. Introduction  “Bank Non-performing Assets Management” is selected from a book named Theory and Practice of non Literary Translation written by Li Changshuan(2004:205). Li said “The translation is t
【摘要】发展学生英语学科核心素养是深化基础教育英语课程改革的重大举措之一。本文结合外研版《新标准英语》教材中的案例,提出了英语课堂改革的三大教学主张,着重阐述了英语学科核心素养的实质内涵,并为培养学生英语核心素养提出了建议。  【关键词】核心素养 未来教室 智慧提问 精讲多学  随着新课标的深入改革,小学英语教学的不断发展,英语教学逐步从“知识核心时代”转向“核心素养时代”,学生的核心素养不仅仅是
【摘要】英语语调历来是英语学习者的学习难点。本文以汉语单音节句为着手点,从语义功能、调型的语义含义及音高三方面对汉语声调和英语语调进行对比,以期找出两者间的异同,为英语语调教学提供更多的教学参考。  【关键词】声调 语调 音高  一、引言  英语语音教学是英语教学的基础部分。英语语音教学历来以正音为主,而近年来,许多研究已表明中国学习者在习得英语语音时,出现的问题不再是音段(元音、辅音等)的教学而