解放思想 深化改革 抓住机遇 加快调整 努力实现第二产业的新发展

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一、2000年工作的简要回顾2000年是“九五”计划的最后一年。在兵团各级党政的正确领导下,经过广大干部职工的不懈努力,兵团工、交、建行业全面完成了计划任务,经济运行的质量和效益明显提高,改革逐步深化,增长速度加快。预算内国有工业企业按朱镕基总理要求实现了整体扭亏,结束了连续五年巨额亏损的局面;建筑业在前年结束连续六年亏损基础上,实现了较大面积的盈利。公路建设又有了新的发展,运输总量增加。1.工业:2000年,是国有工业企业实现三年两大目标的决战之年。在这一年里,全兵团完成工业增加值32.32亿元,比上年增长13.6%,增幅提高2.8个百分点;产销率94.8%,提高0.3个百分点;规模以上工业经济效益综合指数73.97%,同比提高58.57个百分点。预算内工业企业实现财务利润1746万元,扭亏增盈5.91亿元,实现了朱镕基总理要求的目标。全兵团列入国家6599户重点脱困企业的28户国有大中型企业中有21户实现脱困,占计划的75%。按兵团38户重点脱困企业考核(含列入 I. A brief review of the work in 2000 The year 2000 is the last year of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. Under the correct leadership of the party and government at all levels of the XPCC, through the unremitting efforts of a large number of cadres and workers, the BINGTUAN work, communication, and construction industries have fully completed their planning tasks, the quality and efficiency of economic operations have been significantly improved, the reforms have been gradually deepened, and the growth rate has been accelerated. The state-owned industrial enterprises within the budget achieved a total turnaround at the request of Premier Zhu Rongji and ended the huge loss for five consecutive years. The construction industry realized a large area of ​​profit on the basis of six consecutive years of losses at the end of the previous year. Highway construction has made new developments, and the total volume of transportation has increased. 1. Industry: In 2000, it was the year in which the state-owned industrial enterprises achieved the three major goals of the three years. In this year, the total value of industrial added value reached 3.232 billion yuan, an increase of 13.6% over the previous year, an increase of 2.8 percentage points; production and marketing rate of 94.8%, an increase of 0.3 percentage points; a comprehensive index of industrial economic benefits above designated size 73.97%, year-on-year Increased by 58.57 percentage points. The industrial enterprises in the budget realized a financial profit of 17.46 million yuan and a loss of profit of 591 million yuan, which fulfilled the goal requested by Premier Zhu Rongji. Twenty-one of the 28 state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises listed among the country’s 6,599 key enterprises that have been out of trouble by the PLA Corps have achieved relief, accounting for 75% of the plan. According to the assessment of the 38 enterprises of the BINGTUAN focused on getting out of trouble (including inclusion
日前 ,我国第一套大型国产化聚酯装置——1 0万 t/a聚酯项目 ,在仪征化纤股份公司建成投产 ,并生产出合格产品。1 0万 t/a聚酯国产化是国家“九五”重大科技攻关项目和中石化
慧聪工程机械商务网与中国工程机械协会于 2001年7月3日在慧聪国际总部正式签署了双边合作协议书。慧聪工程机械商务网将成为中国工程机械工业协会唯一指定的协会合作网站。
2000年 11月 27日上午, Sony公司在北京嘉里中心举行了“迎接新纪元—— Sony 2000液晶数据投影机新产品发布会”。 在过去辉煌成绩的基础上, Sony公司今年的新产品发布会重点