
来源 :教育部政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaobaobao127
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(1998年8月3日)教基[1998]8号为了贯彻党的十五大精神,落实科教兴国战略,继续把“两基”放在教育工作“重中之重”的地位,在积极推进实现“两基”目标的同时,不断巩固“两基”成果,提高“两基”整体水平和质量,现将《关于认真做好“两基”验收后巩固提高工作的若干意见》印发给你们,望认真贯彻执行。省级人民政府和教育行政部门要从本地实际出发,制定巩固提高目标、规划、实施步骤和措施,县级人民政府和教育行政部门要制定巩固提高具体方案,并落实到乡,扫盲方案要落实到村,落实到人。各地要深入调查研究已经通过“两基”验收地区面临的新情况、新问题和新任务,及时采取相应措施,在实践中不断创造和总结新鲜经验。 (August 3rd, 1998) In order to carry out the spirit of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, Jiao Ji [1998] No. 8 continued to place “two basics” on the educational work “the most important point”. While actively promoting the realization of the “two basics” goal, we must continue to consolidate the achievements of the “two bases” and improve the overall quality and quality of the “two basics.” We will now “conscientiously do a good job of doing so.” The “Several Opinions on Consolidating and Enhancing Work after Acceptance” is issued to you and it is hoped that it will be implemented conscientiously. The provincial people’s government and education administrative departments must proceed from the actual conditions in the local area to formulate procedures and measures for consolidating and improving objectives, planning and implementation. The county-level people’s government and education administrative departments must formulate concrete plans for consolidation and improvement and implement them in townships. Literacy programs must be implemented. Go to the village and implement it. All localities must conduct in-depth investigations and studies on the new situations, new problems, and new tasks that have already passed through the inspections of the “two basics” regions, and take corresponding measures in a timely manner to continuously create and summarize new experiences in practice.
一忌不对症施药。池鱼生病后,要根据鱼的症状、品种、水质和饲养管理情况,准确诊断,对症施药。病因不明时,切忌乱用药。 二忌用药量不准。全池泼洒的药物一定要准确计算用量
以杰出的书画艺术闻名世界的郑板桥 ,不但他的诗书画受到世人的普遍喜爱和重视 ,他的亲民思想、为人师表的“善良教育”同样是中华善良美德教育的典范。 30 0多年过去了 ,郑
广大农村养鱼户,可以动手自制鱼塘春季的最佳补品——发芽饲料。用以解决春季鱼塘青饲料匮乏和补充鱼体内维生素营养的不足。 一、发芽饲料的制作。一般情况 The majority
这个成语故事来自春秋《文选·宋玉〈对楚王问〉》。宋玉是战国时期楚国著名的文学家 ,在楚襄王手下为官。一次 ,楚王听信诽谤宋玉的谗言后便责问宋玉 :“你难道也有行为不检