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企业文化和社区文化都是社会文化的分支,两者有相融性。 从基本概念来说,文化是“指社会的意识形态,以及与之相适应的制度和组织机构”(《辞海》中的注释)。企业和社区文化中的意识形态,很重要的部分都是人的思想观念,如人生观、价值观、道德观、审美观等。企业里的人是职工,社区里的人是公众。由于企业的职工都生活在一定的社会区域里,因此企业职工的思想观念与社区公众的思想观念是互想影响、互想沟通的,有许多共性的内容。企业与社区的制度和组织机构有较大的差异。企业的制度是为搞好企业生产经营而制订,包括企业管理的原则、方式,规章等;社区的制度是为搞好区域性社会管理而制订,包括里弄居委、大街小巷、公共场所的管理规定等。但两者也有相通之处。如在卫生、环保、绿化等方面,企业的制度不能与社区制度相悖。企业必须按社区立的规矩办,要接受社区的检查、监督和指导。在国有企业里,一般都设立专职抓宣传、文建工作的部门。在主管社区建设的街道党工委和办事处理,也有类似宣传科、文建办的机构。企业和社区的同类组织机构理当联手、联网,使企业文化向社区扩展,使社区文化向企业渗透,促进两种文化互相交融,共同繁荣。 Corporate culture and community culture are the branches of social culture, the two are compatible. From the basic concept, culture refers to “the ideology of society and the systems and organizations that fit with it” (Notes from Ci Hai). Ideology in business and community cultures, and very important parts are all human ideas, such as outlook on life, values, morality, and aesthetics. The people in the business are workers and the people in the community are the public. As the employees of enterprises all live in a certain social area, the ideology of employees in enterprises and the public’s thoughts and ideas in the community are mutually influential and communicate with each other and have many common elements. There are big differences between the systems and organizations of enterprises and communities. The system of the enterprise is formulated for the purpose of improving the production and operation of the enterprise, including the principles, methods and rules of the enterprise management. The system of the community is formulated for the purpose of improving the social management of the area, including the neighborhoods, streets, public places Management regulations and so on. But the two also have similarities. As in the health, environmental protection, greening, etc., the enterprise system can not be contrary to the community system. Enterprises must follow the rules of the community to do, to accept the community’s inspection, supervision and guidance. In state-owned enterprises, departments that specialize in propaganda and construction work are generally set up. In the construction of the community in charge of street party committees and offices handling, there are similar propaganda section, the establishment of cultural institutions. The same kind of organizations in enterprises and communities should join hands and connect with each other to expand the corporate culture to the community and infiltrate the community culture to the enterprise so as to promote the mutual merging and common prosperity of the two cultures.
[摘要]作为班级教学的教育主导形式,建立适合学生成长的班级环境,是培养学生能够“面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来”的主要成功手段,这也是许多成功教育家的共识。  [关键词]小学教育;班级教学;班级环境;教育共识  [中图分类号]G455.7 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1671-1270(2011)04-0097-01  在科学技术突飞猛进、知识经济已见端倪的今天,综合国力的强弱越来越取决于教育的
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以前,大家对老年人的重大偏见之一是老年人心脏对运动的(耐受)能力显著降低。但约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的Myron Weisfeldt说,如果你选择正常健康的老年人作实验,就会得出老年