Rhodia to Acquire Feixiang Chemicals in China

来源 :China Chemical Reporter | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pptcwu
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Rhodia intends to acquire China’s FeixiangChemicals (Zhangjiagang) Co.,Ltd.FeixiangChemicals is one of the leading companiesin the Asia-Pacific area,producing,developingand selling the full range of fattyamines and specialty amines.The companyis located in Zhangjiagang city,Jiangsu Rhodia intends to acquire China’s Feixiang Chemicals (Zhangjiagang) Co., Ltd.Feixiang Chemicals is one of the leading companies in the Asia-Pacific area, producing, developing and selling the full range of fattyamines and specialty amines.The companyis located in Zhangjiagang city, Jiangsu
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