Two-dimensional Numerical Modeling Research on Continent Subduction Dynamics

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:landingyao
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Continent subduction is one of the hot research problems in geoscience. New models presented here have been set up and two-dimensional numerical modeling research on the possibility of continental subduction has been made with the finite element software, ANSYS, based on documentary evidence and reasonable assumptions that the subduction of oceanic crust has occurred, the subduction of continental crust can take place and the process can be simplified to a discontinuous plane strain theory model. The modeling results show that it is completely possible for continental crust to be subducted to a depth of 120 km under certain circumstances and conditions. At the same time, the simulations of continental subduction under a single dynamical factor have also been made, including the pull force of the subducted oceanic lithosphere, the drag force connected with mantle convection and the push force of the mid-ocean ridge. These experiments show that the drag force connected with mantle convection is critical fo Continent subduction is one of the hot research problems in geoscience. New models presented here have been set up and two-dimensional numerical modeling research on the possibility of continental subduction has been made with the finite element software, ANSYS, based on documentary evidence and reasonable assumptions that the subduction of oceanic crust has occurred, the subduction of continental crust can take place and the process can be simplified to a discontinuous plane strain theory model. The modeling results show it it completely completely possible for continental crust to be subducted to a depth of 120 km under certain circumstances and conditions. At the same time, the simulations of continental subduction under a single dynamical factor have also been made, including the pull force of the subducted oceanic lithosphere, the drag force connected with mantle convection and the push force of the mid-ocean ridge. These experiments show that the drag force connected with mantle convec tion is critical fo
1988年以来,四川凉山彝族自治州兴起了微型水利蓄水工程建设热潮,使山丘区走出了一条“以水兴农,兴水脱贫,集微见大,增产增收,富在农民,利在国家”的新路子。 “山毛坑”的
摘要:在数字化、信息化时代,中等职业学校的人才培养目标也在转型,开始注重提升学生的核心素养,以期培养出满足社会对人才的需要。本文阐述了在“互联网 ”时代背景下中等职业学校计算机教学的转型,旨在提高中等职业学院学生的计算机操作技能,为他们以后的发展奠定良好的基础。  关键词:互联网 中等职业学校 计算机教学 转型  当前社会,计算机已被广泛应用到各个行业,这对中等职业学校计算机教学提出了新的要求。
[摘 要] 首先,对江苏省旅游行业发展现状进行分析,以行业发展引导对旅游高职院校教师教学胜任力要求的思考。其次,对江苏省旅游高职院校教师胜任力的现状进行剖析,找出存在的问题并分析其原因。最后,在前两者的基础上,明确行业发展对江苏省旅游高职院校教师教学胜任力提出的新要求,结合教师胜任力目前存在的问题,提出新要求和解决问题的对策和方法。  [关 键 词] 高职;旅游专业;教学胜任力  [中图分类号]