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振荡器的一项重要性能是振荡频率的稳定度,对电子管振荡器的频率稳定性能已有比较长时期的研究。然而,对晶体管振荡器频率稳定性能的研究则尚欠完善。本文将对晶体管反馈振荡器的频率稳定性能作比较详细的研讨。 根据四端网络分析及级联参数矩阵表示法,首先推导反馈振荡器的通用振荡方程,然后对共发射极网络的各种等效电路以及对各种纯电抗元件的反馈网络的级联参数进行分析,用这些网络形成各种晶体管反馈振荡器,并推导这些振荡器的振荡方程。根据振荡方程对这些振荡器的振荡性能,包括振荡频率的稳定性能,进行分析及比较。 假设反馈网络所用外加电抗元件固定不变,而晶体管参数改变(包括晶体管的输出输入电阻,输出输入电容,电流放大系数的虚数部分,负载电阻等的改变),对由于这些参数改变所引起的振荡频率漂移作了分析及比较。 根据所用反馈网络的几何构造,将反馈网络分成三臂π形,四臂及五臂网络等三类,对采用这三类网络而组成的晶体管振荡器的振荡性能进行分析,重要结果分别在三表中列出,供研究及设计者参考。 Oscillator is an important property of the oscillation frequency stability, the stability of the tube oscillator frequency stability has been a relatively long period of research. However, the research on the stability of the transistor oscillator frequency stability is still not perfect. This article will be the transistor feedback oscillator frequency stability for more detailed discussion. According to the four-terminal network analysis and the matrix representation of cascaded parameters, the general oscillation equation of the feedback oscillator is deduced first. Then, the cascaded parameters of the common-emitter networks and the feedback network of the purely reactive reactors Analysis, use these networks to form a variety of transistor feedback oscillator, and derive the oscillation equations of these oscillators. The oscillation performance of these oscillators, including the stability of the oscillation frequency, is analyzed and compared according to the oscillation equation. It is assumed that the external reactance components used in the feedback network are fixed and the transistor parameters change (including the output input resistance of the transistor, the output input capacitance, the imaginary part of the current amplification coefficient, the change of the load resistance, etc.) Frequency drift was analyzed and compared. According to the geometric structure of the feedback network, the feedback network is divided into three types of three-arm π-shaped, four-arm and five-arm networks. The oscillation performance of transistor oscillators with these three types of networks is analyzed. The important results are shown in three Table listed for research and designer reference.
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通常,由n级移存器产生的M序列的长度为: 1=2~n-1 (1)这种序列通过除全0状态外的所有2~n-1个状态。当移存器各级存数全为0时,它实际上就停止了工作,因全0状态使反馈值连继为0
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“辨正”“辨证”“辩证”三个词读音相同,字形相近,很容易混淆,特别是后两个词的用法更不容易分辨。  “辨正”是指辨明正误,分清是非,并对错误的加以改正。例如:他在记者招待会上对最近社会上流传的有关自己的种种传闻一一作了辨正,以分清是非。  “辨证”和“辩证”相同的地方就是都可以用来表示“辨析考证”。例如:这是史学上存在多年的一个疑案,他在文章中对这个问题进行了反复辨证,讨论得很深入,有不少新见解。