创新中求发展 向特色要质量——永吉县第二实验小学强师能促发展

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我校随着办学规模逐步扩大、留守儿童大量增加,特别是新老教师更替等影响教学质量制约因素的日益显现,提质压力日渐加大。针对现实,学校新一届领导班子审时度势,正确把脉,适时采取“创新中求发展,向特色要质量”的果断对策。一、铸队伍特色,强教师专业能力促提质特色学校是认识和优化了个性的学校。要办特色学校,提高教学质量,关键在于培养一支有特色的教师队伍,加强教师专业化发展,提高师能,培养个性。 With the gradual expansion of the school scale, a large number of left-behind children, especially the replacement of new and old teachers affect the quality of teaching is increasingly apparent constraints, increasing pressure on quality. In view of the reality, the new leadership of the university should take the correct situation and take the correct measures to take timely and resolute measures such as “seeking development with innovation and quality with characteristics”. First, the characteristics of cast team, strong professional ability to promote teachers to mention quality characteristics of the school is to understand and optimize the personality of the school. To run a special school and improve the quality of teaching, the key lies in cultivating a distinctive team of teachers, strengthening the professional development of teachers, improving teachers’ ability and cultivating individuality.
*被忽悠的滋味真不好受*可可:皮皮老师,告诉你一件糗事,最近我被老爸老妈忽悠了。皮皮老师:是吗?说来听听吧。 * Been flirting really unpleasant feelings * Coco: Phi Ph
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