Antiangiogenic therapy:a novel approach to overcome tumor hypoxia

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Hypoxia is a common phenomenon in solid tumors. Resistance of hypoxic tumor cells to radiation is a significant reason of failure in the local control of tumors. The growth and metastasis of solid tumors rely on blood vessels. Antiangiogenic agents mainly target tumor blood vessels, and radiation therapy mainly targets tumor cells. Combination of antiangiogenic treatment and radiation exhibits synergistic effect, which improves the response of tumors to radiation therapy. The mechanisms of interaction between antiangiogenic agents and ionizing radiation are complex and involve interactions between tumor cells and tumor microenvironment, including tumor oxygenation, stroma, and vasculature. The original mechanism of antiangiogenesis is to induce ischemia and hypoxia in tumors, thereby, “starve” the tumors. However, recently, emerging data suggest that antiangiogenic agents could reduce the proportion of hypoxic cells through normalizing tumor vasculature, decreasing oxygen consumption, and other mechanisms. The use of antiangiogenic agents provides a new approach to overcome the hypoxia problem, and ultimately improves the efficacy of radiation therapy. In this review, we discuss tumor hypoxia, tumor angiogenesis and its regulation, mechanisms of antiangiogenic therapy combined with radiation therapy, and how antiangiogenic therapy overcomes tumor hypoxia. The growth and metastasis of solid tumors rely on blood vessels. Resistance of hypoxic tumor cells to radiation is a significant reason of failure in the local control of tumors. radiation therapy primarily targets tumor cells. Combination of antiangiogenic treatment and radiation exhibits synergistic effect, which improves the response of tumors to radiation therapy. The mechanisms of interaction between antiangiogenic agents and ionizing radiation are complex and involved interactions between tumor cells and tumor microenvironment, including The original mechanism of antiangiogenesis is to induce ischemia and hypoxia in tumors, thereby, “starve ” the tumors. However, recently, emerging data suggest that antiangiogenic agents could reduce the proportion of hypoxic cells through normalizing tumor vasculature, decreasing oxygen consumption , and other mechanisms. The use of antiangiogenic agents provides a new approach to overcome the hypoxia problem, and ultimately improves the efficacy of radiation therapy. In this review, we discuss tumor hypoxia, tumor angiogenesis and its regulation, mechanisms of antiangiogenic therapy combined with radiation therapy, and how antiangiogenic therapy overcomes tumor hypoxia.
对一个国家而言,开放与强大是一对孪生兄弟。中国改革转型如何破题,通过更高层次开放,探寻新的要素组合模式是根本,这也是上海自贸区的历史使命。  上海自由贸易区是新一代领导集体推动改革开放向更高层次转型升级的重大举措,其意义诸多评论归纳如下:一是制度创新示范意义。二是创造新的经济增长极。三是对新的国际经济变局,对“二次入世”危险的提前布局、应对。但对上海自贸区重大意义的认识局限于此,深度还远远不够。下
小学是语文基础学习阶段,为了培养学生的语文素养,需要让其多动笔,以下就针对预习、复习、讲读和总结中小学语文练笔进行分析。 Primary school is the basic stage of lang
近年来,由于中国的崛起,在世界范围内其实已出现了一种权力的大转变。对于这种新局面,中国当然也展开了它的合纵连横。但可能中国作为一个现代大国的时间仍短,它对国家的手段运用略显粗糙,比如有时往往以经济力为手段。  但一个国家的崛起,不能只靠军事力、经济力等硬实力,还需要温和的硬实力,尤其是最重要的人道力这种软实力。如果太依赖经济力,如果以为靠着经济力就可以把一切问题都搞定,这显然是一种不充分的认知。 