五讲四美 为人师表

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全国“五讲四美”为人师表活动先进代表会议,表彰了我省在社会主义精神文明建设中作出了优异成绩的三十一位中小学教师和五个先进集体。我们向这些优秀教师和先进集体致以热烈的祝贺,向全省广大教育工作者致以崇高的敬意! 一年多的实践证明,开展“五讲四美”为人师表活动,把共产主义思想、道德教育和教师本职工作结合起来,使广大教师通过这一群众性自我教育活动,在思想觉悟、道德情操、文化修养各方面真正成为建设精神文明的表率、学生的表率,教育好将近四分之一人口的青少年学生,这不仅是建设一支又红又专的教师队伍,全面贯彻党的教育方针的需要,而且对于争取社会风气的根本好转,有着十分重要的意义。 希望我省广大教育工作者进一步团结起来,振奋精神,巩固已有的成果,更上一层楼,更加广泛、深入、扎实有效地开展“五讲四美”为人师表活动,涌现出更多的优秀教师和先进集体。当前要注意克服轻视培养劳动后备军的思想,克服片面追求升学率的错误倾向,努力完成好中小学校的“双重”任务,使中小学教育更好地适应社会主义现代化建设的需要。 The National “Five Talks and Four Beauties” is an advanced representative conference for the teacher-table activities and commended the thirty-one primary and secondary school teachers and five advanced collectives that have made outstanding achievements in the building of socialist spiritual civilization in our province. We extend warm congratulations to these outstanding teachers and advanced collectives, and pay high respects to the vast number of educators in the province! More than one year of practice has proved that the development of “five stresses and four beautiful” is a form of teacher-watch activity and puts communist thought and moral education into practice. The combination of teachers’ work enables the teachers to become a model of spiritual civilization and student examples in all aspects of ideological awareness, moral sentiment, and cultural accomplishment through this mass self-education activity, and educates nearly a quarter of the population. Young students, this is not only the task of building a team of red and specialized teachers, fully implementing the party’s education policy, but also has a very important significance for the fundamental improvement of the social atmosphere. We hope that the majority of educators in our province will further unite, inspire spirits, consolidate existing achievements, advance to a higher level, and conduct more comprehensive, in-depth, effective, and effective development of the “Five Says and Four Beautys” as a teacher-watch activity, and more outstanding teachers will emerge. Advanced collective. At present, we must pay attention to overcoming the ideology of cultivating the reserve army of labor, overcoming the erroneous tendency of unilaterally pursuing higher education rates, striving to accomplish the “double” task of primary and secondary schools, and making primary and secondary education better adapted to the needs of socialist modernization.
学校如何加强对思想品德课教学的领导?我们还缺乏经验。下面仅把我们在实际工作中的几点做法,提出来供大家参考。 一、提高对小学开设思想品德课重要性的认识。 为了认真地把
教学工作。钻研教材,我着重采取读、学、练的方法进行。 读,就是通过通读、默读、朗读来掌握教材。通读,就是利用假期时间,根据小学语文教 Teaching. Studying teaching mat