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同志们:中国科学技术协会第六次全国代表大会,是进入新世纪全国科技工作者的首次盛会,是团结和动员我国广大科技工作者为推进社会主义现代化建设而继续奋斗的一次重要会议。我代表党中央、国务院,向大会表示热烈的祝贺!向全体代表和全国科技工作者,表示崇高的敬意和亲切的慰问!科学技术是第一生产力,是先进生产力的集中体现和主要标志,也是人类文明进步的基石。在刚刚过去的20世纪,科学技术突飞猛进,科学理论充分发展,极大地推动了生产力的发展和社会进步,人类创造了空前丰富的物质文化财富。在21世纪,科学技术将会继续取得重大突破,给人类社会的发展带来新的巨大推动。当今世界,科学发现、技术发明与商品化产业化之间的关系越来越紧密,科技成果转化为现实生产力的周期越来越短,科技进步和创新越来越成为经济社会发展的重要决定性因素。我们必须敏锐地把握当今科学技术发展的大势,充分佑计未来科学技术发展对人类社会的巨大意义,增强紧迫感和忧患意识,瞄准世界科技的先进水平,紧密结合我国 Comrades: The Sixth National People's Congress of China Association for Science and Technology is the first grand gathering for scientists and technicians entering the new century in the country. It is an important meeting that unites and mobilizes the vast number of science and technology workers in our country to continue their efforts in promoting socialist modernization. On behalf of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, I hereby extend my warm congratulation to the General Assembly! I would like to express my highest respect and cordial condolences to all the representatives and to the nation's scientists and technicians. Science and technology are the primary productive forces, the concentrated expression and the main symbol of advanced productive forces and The cornerstone of the progress of human civilization. In the 20th century just passed, by leaps and bounds in science and technology and full development of scientific theories, it has greatly promoted the development of productive forces and social progress, and mankind has created an unprecedented wealth of material and cultural possessions. In the 21st century, science and technology will continue to make major breakthroughs and bring new and huge impetus to the development of human society. In today's world, the relationship between scientific discovery, invention of technology and commercialization of industrialization is getting closer and closer. The cycle of transforming scientific and technological achievements into practical productive forces is getting shorter and shorter. Technological progress and innovation are increasingly becoming important determinants of economic and social development . We must acutely grasp the general trend of the development of science and technology today, give full promises to the great significance of future scientific and technological development to human society, enhance the sense of urgency and hardship, aim at the advanced science and technology in the world,
2001年2月20日,袁隆平、吴文俊两位科学家获得了首届国家最高科学技术奖,每人获奖金500万。国家主席江泽民亲自签署并颁发了获奖证书。 2月22日,湖南省委、省政府隆重召开袁
人生最重要的功夫,不在能力,而在修养人生样样都好,有一处遗憾,就是爱拆自己的台。拆台的时候往往情不自禁,拆了之后爱以英雄自 The most important kung fu in life, not a
1979年获全国劳动模范称号 1981年获国家特等发明奖 1985年获联合国世界知识产权组织“杰出发明家”金质奖章 1987年获联合国教科文组织颁发的“科学奖” In 1979 by the n
摘要:阅读,对个体的精神成长至关重要。学生在纸质书籍杂志中学习他人积累的经验,学习多元的知识,在共读中学生与父母、老师有了共同的交流密码,而在社会生活中学会关注身边的世界,学习做人的道理,丰富了生命的感受。  关键词:共读;社会生活;成长  中图分类号:G623.23文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2015)09-092-1  一、共读“小书”,汲取成长的力量  “美国最佳教师”雷夫
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