Understanding of Old-age Landscape Design Based on the Behavior Needs of the Elderly

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  Abstract: Creating a suitable living environment for the elderly is an important problem to be solved in the future development of urban construction in China. Through the different changes of the body function of the elderly, from the physiological and psychological considerations, combined with domestic and foreign examples, this paper briefly analyzes the different requirements and promotion of the spatial environment design of the elderly.
  Key words: Elderly; Behavioral needs; Landscape design
  1 Status and Requirements of China’s Aging
  In an aging world, China is the country with the fastest aging population, the most elderly population and the most arduous challenge. First, China is in a period of rapid population aging, The core issues are “getting old before you prepare” or “getting old slowly “. From 2015 to 2050, China’s elderly population over 60 years of age will increase sharply from 220 million to about 430 million. Thereafter, Aging will slow, Into the so-called “plateau period “, By 2100, The proportion of the elderly population will remain at a high level of about 30 per cent. Second, The change of family model will increase the uncertainty of future pension system arrangement. There are more “nursing homes” and “apartments for the elderly” but they are only part of the existing housing renovation and improvement, does not really respond to the special needs of the elderly physically, psychologically and behaviorally.
  2 Changes in the behavioural needs of older persons
  2.1 Changes in physiological characteristics of older persons
  In terms of vision, the ability of the elderly to distinguish colors is becoming weaker and weaker. In the construction of community environment, attention should be paid to improving the color and brightness of facility logo. From the perspective of the elderly, the weak ability to perceive light and distinguish colors is weakening, especially blue, yellow and red, which is the most difficult to distinguish. At the same time, it weakens the ability to distinguish the shape and size of an object. This will bring trouble to the elderly.
  In hearing, the aging degree of the elderly is more obvious. 63.6% of the elderly have the most serious hearing loss in the middle voice, and some of the elderly even have mild deafness.
  2.2 Changes in psychological characteristics of older persons
  Psychological aspects are mainly reflected in two aspects of emotion and emotion. People accumulate and feel in social life, and there are many kinds of connections with society. They have different views and attitudes on any social relationship, and their forms of expression are different, such as joy, sadness, anger, fear. From old age, both positive and negative emotions are permanent or sudden, and emotional experiences are different in different patterns.   3 The requirements of the elderly for landscape design
  3.1 Safety design
  Because of the decline of the body function of the elderly, the elderly landscape must give the elderly a sense of security and a sense of protection. We should fully consider the possibility of various accidents and take necessary design measures in advance to reduce the risk of accidents in outdoor activities of the elderly. For example, in terms of traffic safety, pedestrian-vehicle diversion is the most basic requirement of pension landscape traffic organization. Most old people like to walk, need special walking road, the road should use slope as far as possible, the slope should not exceed 5, the active space in the landscape is easy to reach, and the road paving material needs to have anti-slip, no strong reflection and so on. Generally speaking, anti-skid function is the primary consideration of pavement in the elderly community. It must have good anti-slip function in wet or dry environment. In addition, we should also take into account the inconvenience of the elderly, pay attention to the gap between floor tiles can not be too large, to prevent the elderly fall.
  3.2 Health design
  Health care for the elderly should not be ignored. With the change of people’s living space and concept, people’s demand for leisure is becoming more and more intense. Although the leisure space in the community gradually takes into account the needs of the elderly, it is not comprehensive enough and needs to be improved and improved. Due to the lack of leisure service facilities in the community, the lack of public toilets and community seats will affect the time and frequency of going out. The allocation of facilities can also make the elderly feel uncomfortable. For example, the uneven distribution of seats and positions hinders the elderly, and a single leisure facility project can not meet theneeds of the elderly. Healthy jogging track with optional length, pebble trackwith massage function and sports field with compound function are set up in the activity area of the elderly. A good leisure place provides the foundation for the leisure activities of the elderly.
  4 Conclusion
  China is an aging country, and this trend is still rising. On the basis of the old-age way, how to make the elderly get the most basic conditions of life,how to let the elderly improve the quality of life in their later years is whatwe need to consider at present. This paper briefly analyzes the different requirements and how to improve the spatial environment design of the elderly through the different changes of the physical function of the elderly, the physiological and psychological considerations, and the related landscape design cases ofthe elderly. With the rapid development of modern society, we should pay attention to the quality of life and  spiritual life of the elderly and the future aging The society has positive social significance.
  作者簡介:刘文静(1993.9—),女,汉族,籍贯:山东滨州人,齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)艺术设计学院,18级在读研究生,硕士学位,专业:艺术设计,研究方向:环境艺术设计 ,邮箱:571176675@qq.com
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摘要:种植园地是以小见大,让幼儿身体力行的最佳场所。《纲要》指出"科学教育应密切联系幼儿的实际生活进行,利用身边的事物与现象作为科学探索的对象"。种植园地里的各种生物都自然地向幼儿展示了具体形象的生命内容,提供了直观生动的科学材料。幼儿通过长期观察、操作,感知植物和动物的基本特征,见识自然的丰富与多元,感受生长的喜悦与收获的快乐等等,有利于幼儿"勤劳能动手、好奇爱探索"科学探究品质的养成。  关键
一、凤秧歌起源  (一)名称的由来  凤秧歌又称为过街秧歌,关于名称的由来有几种说法;有因为道具而起名,表演的时候男角头上佩戴甩圈竹帽的顶端有一个乒乓球一样大小的红色绒球,很似很像凤凰头上的红冠,因此而得名。;还有说凤秧歌是有安徽一个叫凤阳县传进来的,所以叫“凤秧歌;还有说凤秧歌和其他秧歌大有不同,是另一种外来的艺术形式,是独一无二的,所以又称为“凤秧歌”。  (二)起源传说  在民间流传这三种关