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苏联铁路当今的年运量已达40Mt·km/km总重,个别区段达170Mt·km/km总重。之所以能承担如此大的运输任务,主要是采取了两项重要措施:一是提高轨道整体强度;二是采用高效率大型机械开“天窗”做线路维修、大中修和起道修。 苏联铁路的线路维修,过去也都是采用小型机具,利用列车间隙来进行。七十年代以后,随着运量的增长,列车间隔时间的缩短,小型机具愈来愈不能上道作业,作业后的质量也不能持久,已感到这种维修方式已亟不适应。因此决定在运输繁忙区段采用高效率大型机械开“天窗”做维修。 为了解决高效率大型机械的装备问题,苏联在1973年由奥地利普拉塞—陶依尔公司购买了生产技术,由重型和运输机械制造工业部仿制生产。即现在的BΠP-1200型和BΠPC-500型,前者为普拉塞07-32型、后者为07-275型仿制品。 近几年来,很多苏联学者、专家写文章称赞采用大型机械维修线路的优越性,特别是开行重载组合列车后更为必要。这是因为重载组合列车最怕遇到意外性的中途停车或减速。使用小型机具,地点分散,又是利用列车空隙进行作业,这种现象难以避免,使用大型机械开“天窗”进行,则可基本避免。 我国铁路运量,在“七五”计划期间将有大幅度的增长,在六纵八横16 000km的运输繁忙线路上,需要改进线路养护的方法与手段,采用大型机械做维修势在必行,现在正在北京铁路局进行这方面的试点,已获得初步成效,苏联铁路在使用大型机械维修线路方面,在生产效率上并不属世界最先进水平,但是在繁忙的客货车混跑的线路上,使用大型机械开“天窗”做维修,确实是克服了很多困难才能实现,他们的经验值得我们参考。 The annual volume of the Soviet railway now reaches 40 Mt · km / km gross weight, with some sections reaching 170 Mt · km / km gross weight. The reason why we can undertake such a big transportation task is that we have taken two important measures: one is to increase the overall strength of the orbit; the other is to use high-efficiency and large-scale machinery to open the “sunroof” for line maintenance, medium and long-term repair and road repair. Soviet railway line maintenance, in the past are also using small machines, the use of train clearance to carry out. Since the seventies, with the increase of traffic volume and the shortening of the train time interval, the small machines can not get on the homework more and the quality after the operation can not be sustained. It has been felt that this maintenance method has to adapt to the situation. Therefore, we decided to use high-efficiency large-scale machinery to open “skylights” for repairs during heavy traffic. In order to solve the problem of efficient large-scale machinery and equipment, the Soviet Union in 1973 purchased the production technology by the Austrian Pratt & Whitney, manufactured by the Heavy Industry and Transportation Machinery Manufacturing Industry. That is, the current BΠP-1200 and BΠPC-500 type, the former is Cypress 07-32 type, the latter is 07-275-type imitation. In recent years, many Soviet scholars and experts have written articles praising the superiority of adopting large machinery repair lines, especially after starting heavy-haul combined trains. This is because heavy-duty combined trains are most afraid of encountering unexpected stopovers or slowdowns. The use of small machinery, scattered locations, but also the use of train clearance work, this phenomenon is difficult to avoid, the use of large machinery to open the “sunroof”, you can basically avoid. During the “Seventh Five-Year Plan”, China’s railway traffic volume will increase substantially. On the busy transportation lines with six vertical and six horizontal and sixteen kilometer lines, ways and means of improving line maintenance are needed. It is imperative to use large machinery for maintenance Now the trial is being carried out in Beijing Railway Bureau in this regard. The preliminary results have been obtained. The Soviet Union’s railways are not the most advanced in terms of production efficiency in using large-scale machinery repair lines. However, on the bus line where heavy vans run rampant, , The use of large machinery to open the “sunroof” to do maintenance, it is indeed to overcome a lot of difficulties to achieve, their experience deserves our reference.
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