
来源 :新疆农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxiang62
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地老虎(Agrotis segetum Sthiff)是新疆棉花苗期最主要害虫之一,全疆各棉区均有为害,南疆广大棉田为害更是严重,每年造成损失很大。棉花丰产首先必须全苗;如果缺苗,那就根本谈不上丰产。因此,保苗是丰产的第一关。地老虎专门为害棉花幼苗,轻者使棉花缺苗或棉株断头发杈,重者棉苗全被吃光,造成补种或耕毁改种。这样,不但浪费很多的人力和物力,更严重的是耽误了农时,影响了植株的生长和发育,以致成熟延迟,大大降低产量。此外,就拿棉株断头发杈来说,影响也是很大。棉株断头之後,有的不再生长嫩芽,成为“公棉花”;有的勉强长出嫩芽,形成多头棉株,以致霜前花百分率很低。新疆棉花生长期比较短,只要苗期稍受侵害,对产量和品质的影响就非常显著。新疆是祖国棉花基地,在棉花生产大跃进中各棉区采取了许多必要的措施。但在提高产量的各种措施中,地老虎的防治,却是一个很重要的环节。 Agrotis segetum Sthiff is one of the most important pests of cotton seedlings in Xinjiang. All the cotton areas in Xinjiang are damaged. The damage caused by the vast cotton fields in southern Xinjiang is even more serious, causing great losses every year. First of all cotton must be the full seedlings; if the lack of seedlings, it would not mention the high yield. Therefore, seedling is the first high yield. To the special damage to the cotton seedlings of tigers, the light of the cotton seedlings or cotton plants cut off the hair, heavy cotton seedlings were all eaten, resulting in replanting or farming destroyed. In this way, not only a lot of manpower and material resources are wasted, but more serious is the delay in farming, which affects the growth and development of the plants and delays ripening and greatly reduces output. In addition, if we take the cotton plant for cutting hair, the impact will be great. After the cotton plant is broken, some no longer grow the tender shoots and become the “male cotton”; some barely grow shoots to form long cotton plants, resulting in low percentage of flowers before frost. Xinjiang cotton growth period is relatively short, as long as the seedling slightly infringed, the impact on yield and quality is very significant. Xinjiang is the motherland’s cotton base. Many necessary measures have been taken in cotton areas during the Great Leap Forward in Cotton Production. However, in various measures to increase output, the prevention and control of tigers is an important link.
共有效成分是乙基基酸乙酯(bis ethyl xon-thogen)C_2H_5-O-(S)·SC_2H_5,主要用于洋葱栽培的事前与事后除莠,美国农业部批准它可以用于此项目的,是因为经过用放射性示踪技
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