Influence of CO_2 laser welding parameters on the microstructure, metallurgy, and mechanical propert

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:g8y99
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This study investigated the microstructural characteristics, metallurgy, microhardness, and tensile strength of AZ31 and AZ61 magnesium alloy weldments, fabricated in a CO2 laser welding process with the adjustment of various parameters. The results show that the AZ31 weldment contains equiaxed grains within the fusion zone (FZ). By contrast, the FZ of the AZ61 weldment contains refined cellular grains and the partially melted zone (PMZ) contains bulk grains. We infer that the difference in aluminum content between the two magne-sium alloys results in different supercooling rates and solid grain structures. For both weldments, the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) de-creases following the CO2 laser welding process. However, no significant difference is noted between the UTS of the two weldments, sug-gesting that tensile strength is insensitive to the Al content of the magnesium alloy. The CO2 laser welding process is shown to increase the microhardness of both magnesium alloys. Furthermore, grain refinement is responsible for the maximum hardness in the FZ of both weld-ments. The AZ61 weldment has a higher content of Al, resulting in a greater grain refinement. This study investigated the microstructural characteristics of metallurgy, microhardness, and tensile strength of AZ31 and AZ61 magnesium alloy weldments, fabricated in a CO2 laser welding process with the adjustment of various parameters. The results show that the AZ31 weldment equiaxed grains within the fusion zone (FZ). By contrast, the FZ of the AZ61 weldment contains refined grains grains and the partially melted zone (PMZ) contains bulk grains. We infer that the difference in aluminum content between the two magne-sium alloys results in different supercooling rates and For both weldments, the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) de-crease following the CO2 laser welding process. However, no significant difference is noted between the UTS of the two weldments, sug-gesting that tensile strength is insensitive to the Al content of the magnesium alloy. The CO2 laser welding process is shown to increase the microhardness of both magnesium alloys. Furthermo re, grain refinement is responsible for the maximum hardness in the FZ of both weld-ments. The AZ61 weldment has a higher content of Al, resulting in a greater grain refinement.
摘 要: 二十一世纪的作文教学,应着眼于调动学生作文的灵动性,培养其独特的创新能力。作文教学要成为构建个体灵性和情感涵养的平台,成为学生主体思想闪亮的广阔原野。
介绍一种流量仪表输出部分——减速箱内异形铝支架零件的数控加工工艺和方法,主要阐述如何解决易变形问题,如何装夹零件,以及编制数控加工程序时应注意的问题。 This paper