
来源 :自然资源学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jonnykang001
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利用宜昌、汉口、大通、城陵矶、湖口等重要水文站的长时间序列水位、流量资料,着重分析了1978年和2006年典型枯水年长江中下游江湖水交换作用。论文建立了能表明江湖水交换作用的经验公式,以此为量化方法来表示江湖水交换作用的强度。结果表明:1978年代表三峡大坝建造之前典型枯水年的性质,2006年则已显示出三峡水库的运行对通江湖泊与干流水交换的积极作用。表现在江湖水交换系数上,1978年洞庭湖和鄱阳湖分别为0.57和0.56,洞庭湖和鄱阳湖与长江水交换处于稳定状态;2006年洞庭湖和鄱阳湖水交换系数分别为0.89和0.51,显示出2006年比1978年水交换作用强烈。洞庭湖和鄱阳湖与长江交换水量显示:1978年补给长江水量为分别为1 990×108m3和947×108m3,约占同期大通径流量的29%和14%;2006年补给长江水量分别为1 962×108m3和1 564×108m3,约占同期大通径流量的28%和23%。尤其是2006年鄱阳湖补水量比平水年还多5%,该年大通站流量全年维持在10 000 m3/s以上,以此保证了下游乃至河口地区水资源供给的安全。 Using the long time series of water level and flow data of Yichang, Hankou, Datong, Chenglingji, Hukou and other important hydrological stations, the exchange of rivers and lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in 1978 and 2006 was analyzed emphatically. The paper established an empirical formula that can show the exchange effect of rivers and lakes, and used it as a quantitative method to express the intensity of water-river exchange. The results show that in 1978 the representative of the nature of typical dry years before the Three Gorges Dam was constructed, and the positive effect of the operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir on the exchange of rivers and lakes between the Tongjiang River and the mainstream was shown in 2006. Which showed that the exchange rates of rivers and lakes were 0.57 and 0.56 respectively in Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake in 1978, and the water exchanges between Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake and the Yangtze River were stable. The water exchange coefficients between Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake in 2006 were 0.89 and 0.51, respectively The effect of water exchange was stronger in 2006 than in 1978. The exchange of water between Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake with the Yangtze River shows that the volume of water supplied to the Yangtze River in 1978 was respectively 1,990,108 m3 and 947,108 m3, accounting for 29% and 14% of the large-sized runoff in the same period. The supply of Yangtze River water in 2006 was 1,962 × 108m3 and 1 564 × 108m3, accounting for 28% and 23% of the large-sized runoff of the same period. In particular, in 2006, Poyang Lake replenished five percent more water than that of the plain water year. The flow of Datong Station in that year remained above 10,000 m3 / s throughout the year, thus ensuring the safety of water supply to downstream and estuarine areas.
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