
来源 :初中生数学学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivyqbw
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在《全日制义务教育数学课程标准》的导向下,在教育部“关于中考改革的意见”的指导下,近年来,全国各地对中考数学命题改革都进行了积极、大胆的探索与尝试.在测试初中数学基础知识、基本技能、基本思想和方法,考查学生运算能力、思维能力、空间观念的同时,重视对运用所学知识解决简单的实际问题的能力以及创新意识的考查,出现了许多“问题背景”新、“操作实践”强、“创新思维”活的好题.现从我省各市2002年中考试题中撷取数例,以供初三师生学习时参考. Under the guidance of the “Mathematics Curriculum Standard for Full-time Compulsory Education,” under the guidance of the “Opinions on the reform of the entrance exam” of the Ministry of Education, in recent years, active and bold explorations and attempts have been made throughout the country to reform the mathematics propositions in the senior high school entrance examination. While testing basic mathematics knowledge, basic skills, basic ideas and methods of junior high school, and examining students’ computing ability, thinking ability, and space concept, they also pay attention to the ability to use the knowledge they have learned to solve simple practical problems and their innovation consciousness. The background of the problem is that “new,” “operating practice” is strong, “innovative thinking” is a good topic. Now we are drawing a few cases from the 2002 mid-term exam questions in each city of our province for the reference of the third grade students.
“递推”思考是数学解题中的一个重要思维方式,可以培养学生丰富的数学抽象思维能力。现举例如下。如图,若以O为端点在∠AOB内画n条不同的射线,则共可以构成多少个角? 这道
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我们知道,判别式能够判别一元二次方程ax~2+bx+c=(a≠0)根的情形,但如果审题不清,忽略了题意中的隐含条件,往往会发生误用判别式的情形,兹举数例,以作明鉴. We know that t
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已知含有未知系数的一元二次方程的根的情况或两根满足的条件,求其未知系数的值或取值范围,是一元二次方程中的一种综合性较强的题型,其解法也较灵活,现举例说明. Knowing
以往,旅客购买了火车票后,如发生车票被抢、被盗或丢失,即 In the past, passengers bought a train ticket, such as the ticket was robbed, stolen or lost, that is