
来源 :机械工人.冷加工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huiflash
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数控技术当前已成为现代先进制造技术的重要特征,正值数控技术诞生50周年之际,为了进一步了解数控系统的应用现状,以便为数控系统厂商及配套厂商制定产品研发、生产及市场营销战略提供可靠依据,同时也为更好地指导机床厂及最终用户选择、配置数控系统,《机械工人》杂志社自 2002 年年初起开展了“数控系统应用调查”。截止至4月底已有 1500多份反馈,本刊抽取1000份数据进行分析,并召开了由行业专家、数控系统及配套产品企业代表、机床厂商代表参加的”数控系统千人调查分析专家论坛”(以下简称‘专家论坛”)。大家对此次调查的结果给予了充分肯定,认为基本可以真实地反映出行业的现状。同时对参与调查的人员所在企业类型、购买因素前几位的排序等调查项目提出改进建议,对此本刊根据专家的建议又于4月底在1000位参与调查的读者中展开了二次调查,截止至5月20日收到500多份反馈。综合两次调查结果,本刊特邀请中国机床工具工业协会数控系统分会秘书长刘珑共同撰写“数控系统千人调查”分析报告,将调查数据及分析结果与行业共享。 CNC technology has become an important feature of modern advanced manufacturing technology. As the 50th anniversary of the birth of CNC technology, in order to further understand the status of application of CNC systems, it is designed to provide product development, production and marketing strategies for CNC system manufacturers and supporting manufacturers. The basis for reliable, but also to better guide the machine tool factory and end-users to select, configure the CNC system, “Mechanical Workers” magazine since the beginning of 2002 launched a “numerical system application survey.” As of the end of April, there have been more than 1,500 feedbacks. The journal has collected 1,000 data for analysis, and held a “Digital System Survey and Analysis Expert Forum of 1000 Experts” attended by representatives of industry experts, CNC systems and related products, and machine tool manufacturers. (Hereinafter referred to as the ’Expert Forum’), we have fully affirmed the results of this survey, and believe that the basic status of the industry can be truly reflected in the survey, as well as the types of companies participating in the survey, the order of the top few purchase factors, etc. The investigation project put forward suggestions for improvement, and according to the expert’s suggestion, the journal conducted a second survey among 1,000 readers participating in the survey at the end of April, and received more than 500 responses as of May 20. Comprehensive two survey results , The magazine specially invites Liu Wei, Secretary-General of CNC System of China Machine Tool Industry Association, to jointly write an analysis report of “The Survey of 1000 Persons in CNC System” and share the survey data and analysis results with the industry.
3 中外标准化对比分析 3.1 标准体制比较 为了反映我国与国外某些工业发达或较发达国家在标准化体制方面的差异,选取美国、德国、俄罗斯等国家的标准类别、制定机构和批准、发
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