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吃水不忘挖井人。老区人民曾为中国人民的解放事业作出重大贡献和牺牲,我们不能忘记他们。广东省兴宁市民政局局长温进富心里常常是这样想的,也是这样做的。他为帮助支持老区发展经济、摆脱贫困,解决“五难”做了许多工作,得到老区人民的赞扬。情系果木的局长兴宁市罗浮镇新南村是“二战”时期的老区村,村民靠山吃山。1992年上级老区办重点扶持村里20户贫困户种植沙田柚,共种有4500株。然而,沙田柚树种下后,长势欠佳,直至1996年大部分果树仍不挂果。村党支部书记王福来向民政局反映,温局长当即决定与梅州市老区服务站联系,请梅州市沙田柚研究所的技术员为新南村果农解决果树不挂果的问题。并利用休息日到新南村查看果树生长情况。技术员给村民上了“关于沙田柚的栽培和管理”知识课,然后进 Do not forget to dig wells people. The people in the old areas have made great contributions and sacrifices to the cause of liberation of the Chinese people. We can not forget them. Xingning Fu, director of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Xingning City, Guangdong Province, often thinks this way and does the same. He has done a lot of work to help support the development of the old areas of the economy, get out of poverty and solve the “five hardships” and won the praise of the people in the old areas. The director of the department of fruit trees Xinning Village, Luohu Town, Xingning City is the old village of “World War II”, and the villagers eat by the mountains. In 1992, the superior old district office supported keyly the 20 poor households in the village to grow Shatian pomelo, a total of 4,500. However, the planting of pomelo trees in Sha Tin did not grow well until most of the fruit trees were still fruitless in 1996. Wang Fu-lai, secretary of the Party branch of the village, reported to the Civil Affairs Bureau that Wen immediately decided to contact the service station of Meizhou Old District, asking the technicians from Shatian Pomelo Institute of Meizhou City to solve the problem of fruitless fruitlessness for Xinnongcun farmers. And use the rest day to check the growth of fruit trees in Xinnan Village. The technician gave the villagers a “lesson about the cultivation and management of Shatian pomelo” and then
目的:建立人参提取物中农药残留-腐霉利的HPLC含量测定方法。方法:BDS HYPERSIL C18分析色谱柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm),流动相乙腈-水(40∶60),流速1.0 mL·min-1,检测波长220