
来源 :高中生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iserce
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语言连贯题因其题型的灵活、考查知识的丰富,成为高考试题中难度系数较大的题目。本文现将其考试形式之一——语句复位题的解题技巧归纳如下。一、保持统一的话题,使各句围绕着一个共同的中心例1 填入下面横线处的句子,与上下文衔接最恰当的一组是我们还得知,作为一 Due to the flexibility of the questions and the rich knowledge of the examination, the problem of language coherence becomes a problem with a higher degree of difficulty. This article now summarizes one of the examination forms—the problem-solving skills of the sentence reset problem. First, to maintain a unified topic, so that each sentence revolves around a common center. Example 1 Fill in the sentence below the horizontal line. The most appropriate group is the one that is connected with the context. We also learn that as a
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熏风带来那熟悉的气息,润润的空气可以拧出水来,金风树若无其事撑起一顶红花簇簇的巨伞,伞下一只盘角长胡子老羊打着哈欠。乞里马扎罗,我来了,你却躲在云雾里边。明天见! Sm
四两刚到家,小古的摩托车就“吱”的一声停在了门口。小古是乡里的包村干部,每天有事没事都要来一趟,中午在四两家吃顿便饭也是很经常的事。 Forty-two just arrived home,
有回我到河边钓鱼,遇到一捕蟹老人,身背一个大蟹篓,但没有上盖。我出于好心,提醒老人说:“大伯,你的蟹篓忘了盖上。” I have to go back to the river fishing, crab met a
一觉醒来,新提升的唐主任发现身旁的妻子正睁着双眼望着天花板呢。唐主任突然感到,妻子最近常有这样的神态,神情很专注,也不知在想什么心事,娴静中透出几分冷峻、忧郁。 Wak
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