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目的探讨输尿管镜术应对特殊输尿管条件下(肾移植术后、下肢、脊柱畸形)的有效方法。方法 2007-2010年收治的移植肾输尿管梗阻51例(移植肾输尿管狭窄30例、移植肾输尿管结石21例),下肢、脊柱畸形伴输尿管结石16例;输尿管结石直径0.7 cm~1.5 cm,平均1.1 cm,肾盂扩张1.5 cm~3.2 cm,平均2.3 cm。采用F8/9.8Wolf及F6/7.6输尿管硬镜,进镜困难则配合双合诊和改变体位(抬高腰部、抬高或降低患侧、头低或头高位)牵拉输尿管配合进镜,若无法顺利进镜,置入导丝,留置F5双J管,2周后拔除双J管,并以输尿管镜处理输尿管结石及狭窄。结果 53例进镜困难者经双合诊和改变体位牵拉输尿管后输尿管镜顺利进入病变部位,输尿管狭窄及结石处理成功;14例进境失败者,顺导丝置入F5双J管,2周后顺利进镜,成功处理狭窄及结石。结论对于肾移植术后、下肢、脊柱畸形等特殊输尿管条件因存在输尿管走形异常、狭窄、迂曲,选择合适的输尿管镜配合双合诊及改变体位能提高输尿管进镜成功率,对于无法顺利进镜患者,留置双J管2周后行输尿管镜手术常可顺利进境。 Objective To investigate the effective methods of ureteroscopic surgery in treating special ureter (renal allograft, lower extremity and spinal deformity). Methods 51 cases of transplanted renal ureteral obstruction (30 cases of transplanted renal ureteral stricture, 21 cases of transplanted renal ureteral calculi) were treated in 2007-2010, and 16 cases of lower extremity and spinal deformity with ureteral calculi. The diameter of ureteral calculi was 0.7 cm ~ 1.5 cm with an average of 1.1 cm, pyel extension 1.5 cm ~ 3.2 cm, an average of 2.3 cm. With F8 / 9.8Wolf and F6 / 7.6 ureteroscopy, difficult to enter the mirror with double consultation and change position (raise the waist, raise or lower the affected side, head low or head high) with ureter pull into the mirror, if Can not successfully into the mirror, into the guide wire, indwelling F5 double J tube, remove the double J tube after 2 weeks, and ureteroscopic treatment of ureteral calculi and stenosis. Results 53 cases of difficult to enter the mirror by double co-diagnosis and postural urethral traction to change the position into the lesion, ureteral stricture and stones were successfully treated; 14 cases of failed entry, cis-guide wire F5 double J tube, 2 Smoothly into the mirror after the week, the successful treatment of stenosis and stones. Conclusions After renal transplantation, the special ureteral conditions such as lower extremity and spinal deformity may lead to abnormal ureteral catheterization, stenosis and tortuosity. Choosing appropriate ureteroscopy combined with double orthodontic treatment and changing position can improve the success rate of ureteroscopy. Mirror patients, indwelling double J tube 2 weeks after ureteroscopic surgery can often smoothly enter.
本刊讯(记者吴云雪) 经国务院批准,交通部、国际道路运输联合会共同主办,中国道路运输协会承办的“第三届欧亚道路运输大会”将于今年9月25日至27日在北京举行,这是我国在道路运输领域举办的首次大型国际会议。  交通部副部长冯正霖在此间召开的新闻发布会上介绍说,本届大会的主题:“促进欧亚道路运输连接,推动欧亚道路运输合作的发展”,预计出席本届大会的国外代表将达到300人,国内代表将达到500人。  
飞碟瓜(Cucurbita pepo L. var. patisson)又名碟瓜、碟形瓜,齿缘瓜、扁圆西葫芦,为葫芦科南瓜属美洲南瓜的一个变种。其果实既可以观赏,又可以食用,是一种难得的观食兼用园
曾是妈妈怀里  骄傲的公主;  曾是爸爸背上  威武的骑士。
本刊讯(记者林火妹发自深圳) 6月10日,为期三天的首届中国(深圳)供应链管理国际论坛暨2005美国供应链管理专业协会(简称CSCMP)中国年会在深圳圆满落幕。本届大会由CSCMP、深圳市政府以及中国综合开发研究院共同举办,有近300名国内外著名物流界学者及企业领袖会聚深圳五洲宾馆,热烈探讨供应链最新发展趋势以及中国物流业的机遇与挑战问题。  作为CSCMP历史上首次在本土以外召开的最大规模、最高
本文倡言打破道路运输市场旧格局,培育新生,合格的市场主体,建立优胜劣汰机制,从而引导运输市场进行公平竞争    国有经济的战略性调整和国有企业战略性改组,以及交通部结构调整的要求.为民营运输经济的发展带来了机遇。现有的运输市场主体,特别是客运企业,大多为国有专业运输企业,政企不分,行业保护与垄断较普遍。形势的发展呼唤从培育合格的市场主体入手来培育、规范运输市场,大力发展民营经济,从源头上营造行业的