I belong to the general hospital under the leadership of the anti-tuberculosis clinic, cases found mainly by the subjects referral (90%), followed by various types of physical examination found. Yang bacteria cases accounted for about 1/3 of the new board. Year-by-year misdiagnosis rates were: 2.67%, 2.35%, 1.90%, 1.32%, 4.3%, 4.0%. 80% of newly registered cases of newly diagnosed cases, retreatment accounted for about 20%. The ratio of new registrations to registered cases rose from 0.28% in 1980 to 0.92% in 1985. Newly diagnosed bacilli new cases of sputum sputum negative conversion rates were 95% or more. We established the anti-tuberculosis network in 1960 and conducted full-scale chemotherapy management since July 1979. The main targets are newly registered active tuberculosis and retreatment patients. Newly registered patients management coverage of more than 90%. Since 1979, short-course chemotherapy has been gradually carried out. By 1984, all newly-registered patients have undergone short-course chemotherapy, which has achieved over 95% annual sputum negative conversion rate in the newly-diagnosed bacillary patients with newly diagnosed disease, and achieved remarkable curative effect.