Everything is Wrong While Nothing is Wrong

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  中圖分类号:T96 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-914X(2015)46-0349-01
  Being one of the representatives of the Lost Generation, Earnest Hemingway, the Nobel Prize winner for literature, stood out as one of the best writers in the contemporary American literature. His works in the short story genre have always been considered equal or better than his achievements in novels. His short stories are characterized by direct description, dialogues and a minimum of the commentary and interpretation from the narrator, which showed Hemingway’s telegraphic style and his famous “iceberg theory.”
  Hills Like White Elephants is one of his short stories. It tells what happened between the American and the girl at a train station. While waiting for the train, the two sat in a bar, drinking, talking and looking at the hills like white elephants. They talked about the drinks, the hills and the “operation”, which to the American is “the only thing” that’s made them unhappy. To the American, the baby which the girl carried in her body, an unwanted being, had been worrying him and if she had it “taken away” they “will be all right and happy.” To the girl, she was unwilling to “do it”, for she “knew things.” The station was situated in a valley where the hills across it looked like white elephants. The woman commented on the hills twice: the first time about them similar to white elephants and the second time saying “They don’t really look like elephants.” The reader must know in idiomatic English “white elephants” symbolize things beautiful but useless. To the girl, the baby in her body is like a white elephant(beautiful but useless), and in the meantime, not necessarily so(they could have everything). When she said, “They’re lovely hills,” she meant she could have the baby, although against the American’s wishes.
  Reading through the story, the reader was filled with questions such as: Why did the American and the girl keep talking about the drinks? Why did the American want the girl to “do it” when she didn’t? Why at last did they smile to each other when nothing is solved?
  At the beset of the story, there was a description of the hot weather and the surrounding, through which a general mood was in place, depressive, miserable and intolerable. There was little information about the protagonists, no names, or social and educational background of the two. The deliberate ignorance of this aspect can be explained in view of the post-war society where the old morality and traditional values were no longer held as sacred among the people whose life was in chaos due to the destruction brought about by the war. People in this society had no purpose in life and they became rootless. Here the American and the girl are such people, being cut off from the society.   The story is unfolded in the conversations between the two with their subjects on drinks, hills and the “operation”, contrary to the romantic ones between lovers in normal times. It seems that everything is wrong. The reader thinks the American should feel happy, excited at the news of the baby. It seems impossible and unreal for a father to be willing to have his baby “taken away.” He said, “I don’t want anybody but you. I don’t want anything else.” The reader will feel the American doesn’t want the baby, nor the girl. His estrangement from feeling is not the consequence of any wounds in the war or misanthrope, but of a deep-rooted sense of loss. The American is lost, so is the girl. The labels on their bags(“There were labels on them from all the hotels where they had spent nights.” reflect the nature of their life: meaningless, purposeless and rootless. What is the meaning to bring a new life to the already meaningless life?
  The story ended in reconciliation. --“Do you feel better?” –“I feel fine.” The phatic dialogue between the two shows that both of them have given up the quarrel to restore themselves to the reality. No matter what comes their way, they will go on living as usual. The spiritual crisis reached its peak with the two going about their unsolved entangled life.
  1. Hemingway Ernest, Hills Like White Elephants
  2. Wikipedia, “Lost Generation”
  3. 百度百科, “歐内斯特·米勒尔·海明威”
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[摘 要]目的:了解郑州市市售罐头鱼中砷元素(总砷和无机砷)、锡元素的污染状况。方法:于2014年10月从郑州市的超市采集鱼罐头共15个样品,按照《食品中砷的测定》(GB/T5009.11-2003) 和《食品中锡的测定》(GB/T5009.16-2003)要求的方法检测鱼罐头中砷(总砷和无机砷)、锡含量。结果:在被检测的15份鱼罐头中总砷含量为0.015~0.322mg/kg,无机砷含量为0.0
[摘 要]随着近年来工业的飞速发展,以铝圆片为首的众多合金板带材产品正逐步运用到各行各业中,极大地促进了工业的壮大和经济的发展。随着人们对生活质量的要求不断增多,对合金材质的炊具的多样化、功能化的改进程度也在不断加大。本文通过阐述炊具的生产过程,重点探讨了铝合金圆片运用在炊具生产制造中的工艺性能和优势,突出了铝合金圆片在炊具制造中的显著特点。  [关键词]铝合金圆片 炊具制造 工艺性能 優势  中
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[摘 要]唐钢热轧部集转炉、LF炉、连铸机、加热炉、轧机、卷取为一体,开发并使用生产与设备运行监控系统来进行设备管理,建立了一个以信息化为核心的管理体制,减轻了管理人员和技术人员的数据处理负担。并且这个系统获得2014年唐钢科技创新三等奖。  [关键词]监控系统  中图分类号:T96 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-914X(2015)46-0345-01  引言  利用先进的计算机和网络技术
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