Seeking Living In The Cold Pole

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  In the Antarctic and Arctic, ice, snow and severe coldness make up the theme of four seasons. The unique climate conditions bring up the unique biosphere and food cycle. Living beings hide themselves in the ice caves and snow drifts, run or wait on the ice. They play and cruise in the icy water, see the icy sea as hunting ground, and see the ice layer as home. They continue to fight for life, at the same time, bring life vitality to the snow-covered world.
  Life In The North Pole
  After the vernal equinox days, polor days begin to appear in the Arctic. The polar day is like a light spot, which turns bigger and bigger, until expanding to the whole Arctic Circle as time goes by.
  The white bear Pipi is searching for food on its ice field. Its favorite food is seal. Catching birds, fishes and small mammals is also within its capacity.
  Every year, the surface of some areas on the Arctic Ocean freeze or melt as the season changes, seals will choose their homes according to the change of sea ice. Therefore Pipi has to follow behind these preys. In the summer of July, the ice of Hudson Bay, James Bay and some other areas will completely melt, forcing Pipi coming back to the bank to wait for several months, until the sea freezes again because of severe coldness.
  During recent 30 years, as the amount of ringed seals declined sharply, Pipi could catch less and less ringed seals, so it gradually turns to catch harp seals and hooded seals. Although Pipi is not hungry, its risk of eating pollutants increased for the Subarctic seals’ living area is nearer to people’s “ruling state”. Pipi keeps telling itself: Never eat people’s automobile oil no matter how hungry.
  As food is getting less and less, Pipi begins to learn to feed itself with eating vegetable, such as seaweed, berries or tree roots. This seems like a good idea! There are rich plant resources in the Arctic region, therefore Pipi and its friends don't need worry about their food and drink. However, it is a pity that Pipi hears of many bad news recently. This it one of today’ news: the terrible foraging conditions of the snow bears is getting worse, which will result in a sad situation. People live near to Manny Tony Churchill of Canada, occasionally found snow bears wandering around the trash cans of their houses, in order to search something to satisfy their hunger.
  In order to survive in the special environment of the Arctic Ocean, Pipi masters excellent swimming skills. However, the scientists’ discovery shows that swimming is snow bears’ helpless policy. They had high efficiency of hunting before, and there were no natural enemies of them, they lived as “king of the hill”. But now, they have to swim a long distance from one floating ice to another. In this process, some of them may drown for lacking of energy and strengths.   Life In The South Pole
  In April, the Antarctic is already winter, it will be the coldest season of a year. Every May and June, the female emperor penguins will lay eggs. These gregarious birds will gather together as the terrible climate comes. Only in this mode to confront the coldness gregariously, the young penguins have the biggest chances to survive.
  After searching around, Andy found the lady of its heart, the well proportioned, silken voiced beauty——Miss Penny. After a period of time to get along with each other, they fell in love, and laid an egg. Penny finished her task after laying the egg. She committed the egg rapidly to Andy. The extremely low temperature may kill the little egg, if they were not aware. After transferring the baby to Andy, Penny began to set out to the ocean of rich food together with other mothers. They toddle on the snowy ground against the wind and snow, or slid on the ice relying on the fat and further on their abdomens.
  It’s Time To Test Andy!
  Penny has left for two months. During the incubation period of 60 days, Andy gathered together with other fathers to hold their positions. They always stood in a circle, and took turns to go to the warmest middle position to incubate their babies. During the long period of incubating, they slept most of the time, and kept living totally by burning their own fat to generate heat, which also brought the temperature of life to their little babies under the abdomens.
  In the meantime, Penny was enjoying catching food. It could usually dive to the depth of 150 to 500 meters under the sea, even more than 500 meters to its limit. It swims very fast with a speed of 100 to 150 meters per second, with a highest speed of 330 meters per second. However, its favorite depth to catch food is 50 meters under the surface.
  Ending the happy time of feeding and replenishing strength, Penny and other mothers lined up again and crossed the long distance on the ice back to their homes. Penny was excited and uneasy, hoped to see Andy and their baby as soon as possible.
  Penny Finally Arrived At Home, Where Is Andy?
  Penny found Andy by its voice. It seemed that Andy was a good father. By those time Penny was not around, their baby has come out. Penny took over the little penguin from Andy’s wings and fed it food. Now, Andy was already exhausted, it couldn’t wait to go back to the sea and catch food. As the temperature rising, much of the ice began to melt, Andy may reach the sea without walking too long. In this way, Andy and Penny took turns to feed their babies until it grew up.
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