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  If the NBA’s summer of 2017 doesn’t underscore that loyalty in sports is pure fiction, then what will? Chris Paul left Los Angeles. Paul George forced his way out of Indiana. The Bulls stunned Jimmy Butler. Gordon Hayward dumped Utah. Kyrie Irving abandoned King LeBron James. The Celtics blindsided Isaiah Thomas. But with players increasingly influential when it comes to their brands, short-term deals, constant speculation, and long-term planning by savvy executives, our ideas about player-to-team loyalty and team-toplayer loyalty have been thrown out the window. Everything we think we know about sports tells us that Irving should want to stay in Cleveland, and Boston should want to keep Thomas—but the opposite is true.
  After Thomas was traded, Caron Butler and Ray Allen took to Instagram to call out perceived hypocrisy: When players aren’t"loyal" to their teams there’s outrage, but there’s no similar reaction when, say, a team trades a player who played in a game two days after his sister passed away while recovering from dental surgeries and battling a painful hip injury. Allen would know: He left the Celtics for the Heat in 2012, one month after Miami beat Boston in the Eastern Conference Finals, which earned him a "Judas Shuttlesworth" nickname. He wrote on Instagram, "It is just a business so when the teams do it there should be no difference when the players do it!"
  The executives and agents I’ve chatted with agree; they don’t think anything of the choices made by the players and teams this summer."Every team operates pretty much the same way, which is virtually the same way nearly every business on earth operates," said an NBA agent, who requested to be anonymous. Kevin Durant’s choice to leave the Thunder for the 73-win Warriors birthed the the My Next Chapter meme and a perception that he took the easy way out. Durant went on The Bill Simmons Podcast at the end of August, and had this to say: "Guys have been getting traded in their sleep for years. Guys have been getting the shitty end of the stick for years. I mean, some guys have been fucking over organizations, too. It’s no loyalty. It’s business. There’s money involved."   和我交流的管理层及经纪人认同这种观点;他们对球员和球队今年夏天的选择没有异议。“每支球队的运作方式基本相同,地球上几乎所有生意都是这么做的。”一个要求匿名的NBA经纪人表示。凯文·杜兰特离开雷霆,加入73胜的勇士,导致“我的下一章”表情包的诞生,在外界眼中,他选择了一条轻松的道路。杜兰特8月底在比尔·西蒙斯的播客上说了下面这段话,“多少年来,球员睡觉时被交易,多少年了,球员一直在吃亏。我的意思是,有些人也在整球队。这里没忠诚可言,就是生意。这里涉及到钱了。”
  You can feel however you want to feel if your favorite player gets traded or signs somewhere else. The range of emotions we all feel while watching, rooting, talking, and thinking about our favorite teams is what fuels our love for the game. But as the NBA evolves and grows, there are ways to alter what we expect from teams and players and how we respond to their choices.
  One of the common responses to Irving’s decision to request a trade from the Cavaliers was, "Why would he want to leave LeBron, one of the greatest players ever? Does he not care about winning?" I’ve read it on Reddit—and NBA executives I’ve texted with have expressed the same sentiment. Irving said during his introductory press conference that his decision was simply about doing what was best for him:"going for something bigger than myself and honestly being in an environment that’s conducive for my potential." The only way to grow was to escape from LeBron James’s towering shadow. But LeBron is the one who lay the path for Irving, as well as for the other players who chose their own destinies this summer.
  CP3 also opted for personal empowerment. So did George. So did Hayward. Disloyalty should be the expectation, not the exception. Loyalty is a two-way street where both teams and players are licensed to drive. Ultimately, this is where my mind has changed over the last 10 years or so.
  Teams stab players in the back all the time. Players do the same. It’s reality: The frequency at which it occurs doesn’t make it any easier to deal with, but it does mean that there’s a level of shock that should be removed from these situations. LeBron could have handled leaving Cleveland for Miami better, but maybe it had to be that way to empower players to make decisions that benefit their lives. Durant mentioned on The Bill Simmons Podcast that it’s the relationships with the people in the organization that he’s still loyal to, not the organization itself. It’s hard to be loyal to something that, by its very nature, is everchanging.   Daryl Morey and Danny Ainge would be lesser general managers had they considered loyalty a good business model.
  Front office work requires a certain level of callousness. The Bulls, Celtics, and Rockets reshaped their rosters this offseason with surprising trades. While I don’t like the return Chicago got for Butler, it was the right decision to move on. Houston and Boston got considerably better, on paper. You could make the argument that Daryl Morey and Danny Ainge would be lesser general managers had they considered loyalty a good business model.

  It was only four short years ago, in the summer of 2013, when Ainge traded two Celtics legends, Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett, for a bunch of Nets draft picks and replacement-level players. My fiercely loyal Celtics-fan boss didn’t like the trade, and neither did a lot of other fans. It would’ve been easy to keep Pierce and let him fade off into the sunset after a year-long farewell tour in a Celtics uniform. Boston took a gamble on the future. No one could’ve expected the deal to work out at the level it did. The Nets died. The Celtics ascended. Here we are today.
  Boston’s long web of trades and signings that started in 2013 culminated when Ainge acquired Irving for the 2018 Nets pick, Jae Crowder, Ante Zizic, and, of course, Thomas, who won the hearts of an entire fanbase this past season. Boston fell head over heels for Thomas after he dropped 53 points in the playoffs. "I always dream of moments like this," Thomas said after the game. "Those are where legends are born. And one day I want to be one of those guys." Thomas meant it, and his love for the fans was not unrequited. But to reach their ultimate goal of winning a championship, the organization had to ignore those fuzzy feelings.
  凱尔特人始于2013年的多年的交易和签约网,终于在安吉用2018年篮网的选秀权,杰·克劳德,安特·日日奇和过去一个赛季赢得所有球迷喜爱的托马斯换到欧文时达到了顶点。托马斯在季后赛拿下53分时,波士顿人对他爱得神魂颠倒。“我一直梦想这样的时刻。”托马斯赛后这样说道,“那是传奇诞生之地,我希望自己有一天也能成为传奇。”这是托马斯发自内心的想法,他对球迷的爱不求回报。可若是想实现赢得总冠军的终极目标,球队就必须忽视这些感情。   “我会让你们自己想象那段对话有多难——对我和伊塞亚来说。”安吉在交易完成后说,“伊赛亚刚刚打完了一个出色的赛季,给整个波士顿带来了快乐,每个人都爱上了他。你知道,因为身材他那么不被看好,但他有一颗大心脏有竞争精神。做出这个决定很有挑战性。”
  An agent texted me that "Danny would trade his son Austin if he had to." I believe it. The Celtics had just won 53 games, earning them the no. 1 seed, and went all the way to the Eastern Conference Finals. Now they have only four returning players: Al Horford, Marcus Smart, Jaylen Brown, and Terry Rozier. How many organizations in sports would seriously return only one-quarter of their roster after the season they had? It’s so easy to accept the status quo when things are going well. Some owners would love for a nice jog on the playoff treadmill as a six-seed every year. But it was the right choice for Ainge and the Celtics. The team was good and full of overachievers, but it wasn’t great like it needed to be for them to achieve their ultimate goal.
  Any backlash Boston receives for the choices they made or grief Houston gets for trading away a fan favorite in Patrick Beverley will quickly fade as their reloaded teams surpass the good-but-not-great edition fans fell in love with. Sure, it’s no guarantee. The failed Lakers superteam still looms.
  Basketball is constantly shifting, and that reality can sometimes be cruel. Jazz fans would find it hard to lose Hayward, as Bulls fans would with Butler. But there are always new fan favorites waiting in the wings. And they, too, will eventually either abandon the team or get forced out. That’s business; that’s life.
科怀·伦纳德也是会开玩笑的。今年全明星周末期间,面对记者时,他虽然显得有些不太情愿,但还是贡献了一句妙语。  “你在新奥尔良最期待什么?”面对这个问题,伦纳德笑了笑,“当然是新奥尔良狂欢节(当地传统节日)了!”当然,他随后很快重新回答了这个问题,使用了扑克脸以及最擅长的陈词滥调。  熟悉伦纳德的人都知道,前一个才是真正的他,易于相处,风趣。而不熟悉的人则觉得,后一个才是真正的伦纳德,最符合他标签的
科比·布莱恩特赌咒发誓地说,他千真万确看到了——就在不到两个月之前,就在篮球麦加圣地纽约麦迪逊广场花园的地板上——迈克尔·乔丹的灵魂。  德马尔·德罗赞成了被“飞人”附体的那个人,面对尼克斯球员,他命中了一记如梦如幻的中距离跳投。这记在肘区的后仰跳投,还是一个制胜球。德罗赞的脸上浮现出狡黠的笑容,没错,这一切都像极了迈克尔。然后,嗖的一声,又消失了。  “这俨然是我的转身后仰投篮的翻版,我从迈克尔
詹姆斯·哈登一开始以为麦克·德安东尼是在开玩笑。  “那是我们第一次碰面,他告诉我,我将会让你改打控卫。我看着他,心想,‘你到底在说什么?’”哈登说,“他说,我以后每场会送出15次助攻,我盯着他,难以置信。”  时光很快流转,现在的哈登凭借场均11.2助攻,成为了联盟的最佳助攻者。OK,尽管这个数据还没有达到15次,但是哈登——作为一个打了一辈子得分后卫的家伙——竟然成为了联盟的头号传球手。他领先
那是一个周五的下午,夏天那个时间的纽约,让人忍不住盼着冬天早日到来。比潮湿的空气更厚重的,是浓浓的怀旧气息。不管怎么说,正是对过去的怀念,让众多前NBA球星(以及没什么名气的球员,比如穆奇·诺里斯和李·奈顿)在BIG3联盟媒體日这天,齐聚纽约曼哈顿。这正是知名说唱歌手,演员Ice Cube创立的这个三对三联盟最吸引人的地方:不论是球员,球迷,赞助商还是媒体,篮球世界最爱的,就是重温曾经的辉煌。  
传奇经典赛,一个曾短暂出现的奇妙实验,通常由那些已经身材走样的前球员们组成。在1980年代及1990年代初,正是它振兴了全明星周末。  在1983年,一个热爱篮球名叫做大卫·斯特恩的律师正准备接任拉里·奥布莱恩的NBA总裁一职。他的就职目标之一就是将NBA的历史和现在结合。  时任NBA推广总监的里克·维尔茨有一个想法,他在电视上看到了由Cracker Jack冠名的棒球老球员经典赛。这项赛事在当
华盛顿神秘的后卫艾弗里·拉塔是WNBA历史上最为高产的三分射手之一。五月中旬,WNBA新赛季开始,神秘在揭幕战中对阵圣安东尼奥星。拉塔却发现比赛变得和以前不一样了:她从来没有过那么大的空位。  “不不不,我还是得习惯这件事,”拉塔笑着表示,“以前总有防守球员会向我跑过来。而现在,有那么几次我拿到球,向周围看了看,心想:哦,我该出手了,我现在处于大空位!什么?然后队友就朝我喊:投啊!那好吧,我就投了
炼就更强,是一场没有终点的比赛。用斗志终结现实的桎梏。每一日,每一场,每一球,战意永不熄。今年夏天,adidas携手德里克·罗斯,迎来了全新adidas D Rose8。这款搭载罗斯与其全新城市血液的战靴,势必将在新赛季力助罗斯战意不熄。  篮球即生命,球场即舞台。adidas D Rose8的宗旨就是战意不熄,不仅为了战胜对手,更为的是战胜自己。在挥手告别了充满诱惑的繁华都市纽约,为了战意不熄的
摘要:细读庞德之诗《在地铁站》,似乎存在三个缺陷:首行本体意象群与次行喻体意象群之间的对应之缺,选音之缺及用韵之缺。然考虑到庞德深受道家思想影响这一层,则不难理解其存缺实为求全,其不求圆满实为给读者留下空间,共创文本。解开此惑,其意象派压卷之作之名则毋庸置疑。  关键词:庞德 在地铁站 缺陷  意象派大师埃兹拉?庞德的短诗《在地铁站》发表于1913年4月的《诗歌》杂志上。自其问世以来,评论家的赞誉
在以七号秀进入NBA后,即将加入芝加哥的LAURI MARKKANEN肩上承担起了很多重任。而对公牛而言,这位拥有七尺身高和超强投射能力的亚利桑那大学毕业生,绝对会是重建道路上最完美的拼图之一。  活塞前锋斯坦利·约翰逊在去年夏天返回母校亚利桑那大学时,他注意到了一个年轻人。这个年轻人,既有着柔和的跳投,还擅长打快攻,更可以趁着防守者打盹冲击篮下。  之后,约翰逊很快就知道了,这个年轻人名叫劳里·
你或许对JUSTIN PATTON一无所知。他既没有属于自己的标签,也没有令人炫目的个人集锦。但这位来自于克雷顿的七尺全能球员毫无疑问是首轮秀中的佼佼者,所以,你最好熟悉熟悉他。一定要尽快!  一切都要从勒布朗·詹姆斯说起。他还是高中生的时候,我们杂志就刊登过有关他的文章,ESPN也转播了他的比赛,《体育画报》甚至还让他成为了封面人物。自勒布朗开始,高中球员们逐渐走到了聚光灯下。等到他们参加选秀的