
来源 :农家参谋(种业大观) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qyyqyy202
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一、品种选择与种子处理选择抗病性强、株型紧凑、丰产性好、抗寒性强的品种。目前睢县主要种植的是汴椒一号和洛椒4号。播种前要将种子晾晒1天,然后装入纱布袋中,在55℃左右的温水中浸泡6~8小时,洗净种皮上的黏质后,再浸入10%的磷酸三钠水溶液,15分钟后取出用清水冲洗干净。二、播种育苗与苗床选择播种过早,苗期持续高温多雨的时间长,幼苗长势弱,容易徒长,且易发生病毒病;播种过迟,后期温度低,影响产量和品质。适宜播种期为7月中下旬。苗床选择在未种过茄果类、瓜类的地块,要求地势高平,土壤有机质丰富。播种前,要整平苗床,把营养土均匀撒在苗床上,浇足底水。 First, the choice of species and seed treatment Select disease resistance, plant compact, good yield, cold hardiness varieties. At present, the main planted Yixian Jiaojiao No. 1 and No. 4 pepper. Before sowing, the seeds should be dried for 1 day, and then placed in gauze bags, soaked in warm water at about 55 ℃ for 6 ~ 8 hours, washed the mucilage on the seed coat, then immersed in 10% aqueous solution of trisodium phosphate, 15 Remove after a minute rinse with water. Second, the sowing seedling and seedbed selection Early sowing, seedling continued high temperature and rainy long time, seedling growth is weak, easy to leggy, and prone to virus disease; sowing too late, the late low temperature, affecting yield and quality. Suitable sowing period in late July. Seedbed selection has not been planted in the eggplant, melon plots, terrain Gao Ping, rich in organic matter in soil. Sowing, to leveling seedbed, nutrition soil sprinkled evenly on the bed, pour enough water foot.
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