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目的应力刺激与髁突生长发育密切相关,髁突是下颌骨的生长区。文中建立年轻SD大鼠单侧髁突颈部截骨的动物模型,探讨应力改变对大鼠健、患侧下颌骨生长发育的影响。方法 72只雄性SD大鼠按完全随机法分为3组,每组24只。建立大鼠单侧髁突颈部横行截骨的动物模型,观察截骨组手术侧、截骨组非手术侧、假手术组手术侧和对照组术后1、3、5、9周髁突影像学、组织学及下颌骨解剖学的变化。检测与髁突生长发育关系密切的结缔组织生长因子(connective tissue growth factor,CTGF)及X型胶原在髁突软骨中表达的变化。结果单侧髁突颈截骨后髁突在术后1周代偿性增大。截骨组手术侧术后4个时间点下颌骨生长发育受到限制,非手术侧下颌骨长度、高度、下颌升支高度超过手术侧,导致下颌骨的不对称。HE染色显示截骨组手术侧髁突软骨总厚度代偿性增厚,后明显变薄。免疫组化测定CTGF、X型胶原定量分析结果显示,截骨组手术侧CTGF的表达在术后1、3、5周时强于截骨组非手术侧、假手术组手术侧和对照组。截骨组手术侧X型胶原表达在术后1周时,强于截骨组非手术侧和假手术组手术侧和对照组。结论本研究的动物模型建立具备良好的可行性及可重复性。单侧髁突颈截骨,致应力改变明显,影响下颌骨及髁突生长发育,可导致手术侧、非手术侧下颌骨的不对称,并影响CTGF及X型胶原在髁突软骨的表达。 The purpose of stress stimulation and condylar growth and development are closely related to the condylar mandibular growth zone. The animal model of unilateral condyle neck osteotomy in young SD rats was established to investigate the effect of stress changes on the growth and development of the mandible in both healthy and affected sides of rats. Methods Seventy-two male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into three groups of 24 rats. To establish a rat model of transverse osteotomy of the unilateral condylar neck and to observe the effect of condylar process on the operative side and the osteotomy group in the surgical side and the control group at 1, 3, 5 and 9 weeks after operation Imaging, histology and mandibular anatomy changes. The changes of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) and collagen type X expression in condylar cartilage were detected. Results Unilateral condylar cervical osteotomy after condylar compensatory increase 1 week after surgery. The growth and development of the mandible in the osteotomy group at 4 time points were limited. The length and height of the mandibular non-surgical side and the height of the mandibular ascending branch surpassed the surgical side, resulting in asymmetry of the mandible. HE staining showed that the total thickness of the condylar cartilage in the osteotomy group compensated thickening and then became thinner. Quantitative analysis of CTGF by immunohistochemistry and type X collagen showed that the expression of CTGF in the osteotomy group was stronger than that in the non-surgical and sham-operated group and the control group at 1, 3 and 5 weeks after operation. The expression of type X collagen in the osteotomy group was stronger than that in the non-surgical and sham group and the control group at 1 week after operation. Conclusion The animal model established in this study has good feasibility and repeatability. Unilateral condylar neck osteotomy, the stress changes significantly, affecting the mandibular and condylar growth and development, can lead to surgical side, non-surgical side of the mandible asymmetry, and affect CTGF and type X collagen in the condylar cartilage expression.
目的 探讨18F-FDG PET/CT脑3D显像在癫发作期和发作间期致灶定位中的应用价值.方法 癫患者60例均行24 h头皮脑电图、MRI、18F-FDG PET/CT脑显像.25例行皮质脑电图(ECoG)或深
类风湿关节炎(rheumatoid Arthritis,RA)是以慢性对称性多关节滑膜炎、骨及软骨破坏为主要特征的全身性自身免疫性疾病,其病理机制关键在于关节反复的炎性反应、滑膜细胞"肿