
来源 :高分子通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jhl1989
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在以无孔玻璃珠为填料的色谱柱上研究了流动相中的分离能力和峰加宽效应。得到一定的分离能力。根据Kelley和Billmeyer描述流动相中峰加宽效应的理论,塔板高度和溶液的分子量有关而和分子量分布无关。但实验表明,对于具有相同分子量,但分子量分布不同的样品峰宽不同。苯的逆流峰加宽因子h稍大于直流峰加宽因子h′。产生这个差别的原因可以用在逆转过程中流速场受到干扰来解释。 在以多孔硅胶为填料的柱中对一系列不同分子量、分子量分布和化学结构的样品考察了逆流峰加宽因子,h,和淋出体积,Ve,之间的关系。实验表明h和Ve之间的关系具有普适性,这个结果和Tung的一致。在多孔填料柱上对苯同样得到h>h′。这个结果意味着用逆流法得到的h来校正GPC体系造成的峰加宽稍嫌不够。 只有对于分子量分布很窄的样品,其逆流淋出曲线的形状才非常接近高斯分布。 The separation ability and peak broadening effect in mobile phase were investigated on a column packed with non-porous glass beads. Get some separation ability. According to the theory described by Kelley and Billmeyer in terms of peak broadening in the mobile phase, the height of the plate is related to the molecular weight of the solution and not to the molecular weight distribution. However, experiments show that for samples with the same molecular weight but different molecular weight distributions, the peak widths are different. Benzene upstream peak broadening factor h is slightly larger than the DC peak broadening factor h ’. The reason for this difference can be explained by the disturbance of the velocity field during the reversal. In a series of columns packed with porous silica gel, a series of samples with different molecular weight, molecular weight distribution and chemical structure were investigated for the relationship between broadening factor, h, leaching volume and Ve. Experiments show that the relationship between h and Ve is universal, and this result is consistent with Tung’s. The same for benzene on a porous column results in h> h ’. This result means that it is not sufficient to correct the peak broadening caused by the GPC system by h obtained by the countercurrent method. Only for samples with narrow molecular weight distribution, the shape of the countercurrent leaching curve is very close to the Gaussian distribution.
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