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一季度受消费量增加的影响,从名白酒价格环比、同比看整体上基本平稳。高档名白酒货源紧俏,供不应求,价格稳定在较高价位上,部分品种价格上扬,其中尤以茅台酒、五粮液、剑南春等为代表的名白酒供求矛盾突出,需求旺盛。据南京市糖酒公司反映,今年1—2月份名酒销售达2313万元,同比增长40.78%。具体看,国营销售价格(每瓶500克):茅台酒310元,比去年同期245元上升了27%,环比看,价格都有一定幅度上升,3月份价格最高为316元,1月份价格最低为300元;五粮液285元,比去年同期218元上升31%,环比看,各月价格均有小幅度上升,3月份价格最高为291元,1月份价格最低为274元;剑南春138元,比去年同期94元上升47%,环比看,2月 In the first quarter, affected by the increase in consumption, the price of white liquor was generally stable in comparison with the same period last year. The supply of high-end white wine is very tight and in short supply, and the price is stable at a relatively high price. The prices of some varieties have risen. Among them, the supply and demand of famous white spirits such as Maotai, Wuliangye, and Jiannanchun are prominently contradictory with strong demand. According to Nanjing Sugar and Liquor Corporation, the sales of famous wines in January-February this year reached 23.13 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 40.78%. Specifically, the state-run sales price (500 grams per bottle): Moutai was 310 yuan, up 27% from 245 yuan in the same period of last year. The price has increased by a certain margin compared with the previous month. The highest price in March was 316 yuan, the lowest price in January. 300 yuan; 285 yuan Wuliangye, up 31% over the same period last year, 218 yuan, the price of each month has a slight increase in the chain, the highest price in March is 291 yuan, the lowest price in January is 274 yuan; Jiannanchun 138 yuan, than Same time last year rose by 47% over the same period of last year.
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1 会议概况中国纺织工程学会麻纺织专业委员会1997年度年会中国纺织总会科技发展部召开的“麻类纺织产品与发展趋势研讨会”于1998年元月7日至8日在湖南省岳阳市洞庭苎麻纺
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