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来源 :中学政治教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:errand2000
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初二思想政治课教学与初中其他两个年级相比较,其中的爱国主义教育内容看似不十分鲜明与集中,需要我们深入发掘,形成系列,让初二思想政治课教学成为对青少年进行爱国主义教育的阵地。那么,在初二思想政治课教学中应如何贯彻《纲要》和《意见》,又需对青少年加强哪些方面的爱国主义教育呢? 一、进行中华民族优秀传统文化教育 《纲要》第8条指出:中华民族的传统文化,其内容博大精深,不仅包括了哲学、社会科学、文学艺术、科学技术等方面的成就,而且蕴含了崇高的民族精神、民族气节和优良道德,不仅孕育了无数杰出的政治家、思想家、文学 Compared with the other two grades of junior high school, the content of ideological and political education in the second grade of the junior high school seems to be not very clear and concentrated. It requires us to dig deeper to form a series, so that the ideological and political teaching of the second grade becomes a patriotism for young people. Education position. Then, how should we implement the “Outline” and “Opinions” in the teaching of ideological and political classes for the second year of secondary school? What kind of patriotic education should be strengthened for young people? I. Article 8 of the “Outline” for outstanding Chinese traditional culture education : The traditional culture of the Chinese nation, with its profound and profound content, not only includes achievements in philosophy, social sciences, literature and arts, science and technology, but also embodies the lofty national spirit, national integrity, and fine morality. It not only nurtured countless outstanding politics. Home, Thinker, Literature
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有一道选择题,高三同学做练习时不少人都出现了错误,问其原因,大家反映这道题难。那么,这道题难在哪里呢?我们来分析一下。 原题是:前两年,有些棉贩子任意抬高棉花价格,与国
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