第Ⅰ卷(包括AⅠ、BⅠ选择题) 第一部分(AⅠ第1~10题) 一、单选题(本题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分,本题中每小题给出的3个选项中,只有一项是正确的。( ) 1.雪橇从山坡上滑下的过程中( )。 (A)雪橇的动能越来越大 (B)雪橇的动能越来越小 (C)雪橇的重力势能越来越大 2.关于分子间的作用力,以下说法正确的是( )。 (A)分子间只有引力 (B)分子间只有斥力 (C)分子间既有引力又有斥力
Volume I (including AI and BI multiple-choice questions) Part 1 (AI questions 1 to 10) First, single-choice questions (10 questions for this question, 3 points for each question, a total of 30 points, each question in this question is given Of the three options, only one is correct () 1. The sled slides down from the hillside () (A) The sled has more and more kinetic energy (B) The sled’s kinetic energy is getting smaller and smaller ( C) The gravitational potential energy of sleds is getting bigger and bigger 2. Regarding the intermolecular forces, the following statement is correct () (A) There is only gravitational force among molecules (B) Only repulsion between molecules (C) There is gravitation between molecules Repulsive