
来源 :文艺争鸣 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxuhhe
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一个国家文化、文艺的地位,以及它的成熟,代表着一个民族的成熟和觉醒,所以才有“国之兴衰,首重文化”的概括。在当今,大家都期望在新的起点上推动文化大发展、大繁荣,回答好我国文化改革发展中带有方向性、根本性、战略性的重大问题,回答好文化建设亟待解决的突出矛盾问题,回答好广大人民群众和文化工作者普遍关注的热点问题,这是实现人民幸福过程中对文化界的要求和期待。文学艺术,当然包括文学以及电影、电视、音乐、美术等各个门类。一切艺术乃至扩大了的文化,当然是人类社会的精神财富,是文化人对时代、社会和人生的思考,是文艺家对生活的解读、反思,对道德、情操乃 The status of a country’s culture, literature and art, as well as its maturity, represents the maturity and awakening of a nation. Therefore, there is a generalization of “the rise and fall of the country and the first emphasis on culture.” In today’s world, everyone hopes to promote the great cultural development and prosperity at a new starting point and answer the important directional, fundamental and strategic major issues in the cultural reform and development in our country and answer the outstanding contradictions to be solved urgently in the building of culture , Answering the hot issues that the broad masses of the people and cultural workers are generally concerned about is the request and expectation of the cultural circles in the process of realizing people’s happiness. Literature and art, of course, include literature and movies, television, music, art and other categories. All art and even expanded culture, of course, is the spiritual wealth of human society, cultural people thinking of the times, society and life, is the literary and artistic interpretation of life, reflection, morality, sentiment is
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