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“以学生为中心”是一种新型的教学方法,它打破了传统教学中以教师为主导的教学理念,不仅可以提高教学效率,还可以增进师生感情,可谓是一举多得。在高中英语教学中,教师一定要打破古板的教学模式,要寻求创新的教学理念,以学生为主体,培养他们学习英语的兴趣。目前看来。虽然“以学生为中心”这个教学理念在高中英语教学中取得了一定的成效,但是其应用仍然不是特别广泛,为了让英语教学成果更加硕果累累,教师和学校相关部门应该更加注重这方面的工作,从根本上改进教学体系,鼓励学生积极参与课堂教学活动,从而提高教学和学习效率。 “Taking students as the center ” is a new teaching method, which breaks the traditional teaching concept of teachers as the leading teaching idea, which can not only improve teaching efficiency but also promote the feelings of teachers and students. In high school English teaching, teachers must break the old-fashioned teaching mode, seek innovative teaching ideas, take students as the main body and cultivate their interest in learning English. so far. Although the teaching concept of “student-centered ” has achieved some success in high school English teaching, its application is still not very extensive. In order to make the teaching of English more fruitful, teachers and school departments should pay more attention to this aspect Work, fundamentally improve the teaching system, encourage students to actively participate in classroom teaching activities, thereby enhancing the efficiency of teaching and learning.
The sea receives an enormous variety of wastes from direct discharges or, indirectly,from rivers or by rain or precipitation from the atmosphere. In some areas
It is shown that the medium scale cloud cluster is u major one of precipitation systems from analysing the rainstorms along the Changjiang River during the plu