
来源 :中国防痨通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meinv123321
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十一届三中全会后,尤其近三年来,我省防痨工作出现了新的局面。省及九个地(市)均建立了结核病防治所,52个县(市)卫生防疫站建立了防痨科(慢病股、科),占应建数的76.5%。培训防痨人员666名。初步形成了省、地(市)县三级防痨网。除了党的方针、政策外,靠什么促进了我们的工作向前发展呢?一宣传促机构。有的放矢开展防痨宣传,争取领导支持,建立结核病防治网。长期以来,我省防痨工作处在上面无人抓,下面无人管的状态。要降低疫情,改变福建防痨工作后进面貌,首要问题是建立健全全省结核病防治网。建网靠领导,向领导作宣传,一靠党的方针、政策;二靠科学技术成果。 After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, especially in the past three years, a new situation has emerged in our province’s anti-tuberculosis work. The province and nine prefectures (cities) have set up tuberculosis prevention and control stations. Fifty-two counties (cities) of epidemic prevention stations have established anti-tuberculosis units (chronic diseases and diseases), accounting for 76.5% of the total number of establishments. Training anti-personnel 666 people. Initially formed a provincial, prefectural (city) county three anti-痨 network. Apart from the party’s principles and policies, what can we do to push forward our work? Targeted development anti-tuberculosis publicity, for leadership support, the establishment of TB network. For a long time, anti-tuberculosis work in our province no one caught above, the following unmanaged state. To reduce the epidemic and change the face of Fujian’s anti-tuberculosis work, the most important issue is to establish and improve the province’s tuberculosis prevention and control network. Network construction by the leadership, to the leadership for publicity, rely on the party’s principles and policies; two rely on scientific and technological achievements.
1981年以来,笔者对肺科住院病人进行了结核菌素((?)T,下同)试验,其中70例OT 反应为阴性,本文就此做如下报告并分析讨论.资料分析一、70例均为肺科住院病人,均患肺部疾病。年
本文就1985~1986年的788例病人的全程管理化疗效果报道如下: 管理方法接受化疗的病例由县结防所或乡镇卫生院门诊指定专人实施全程管理。在治疗管理期间,菌阳病人每月查痰一
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格尔木市第一中学是一所完全中学,现有教学班20个,教职工87人,学生1086人。 近几年来,该校在各级党委的领导下,在各级教育主管部门的指导下,端正办学思 Golmud City, the f