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本刊讯2010年度陕西新闻奖评选工作已于日前结束。全省报纸、广播、电视、网络各新闻媒体(包括部分驻陕新闻单位在内),共计有344件作品获奖,其中一等奖55件,二等奖119件,三等奖170件。此外,还评出报纸好专栏9件,好版面14件,好标题21件。省高校校报系统和省企业报系统的评选也同时揭晓。本届陕西新闻奖的获奖作品,总体质量较好。不论消息、通讯、专题、连续报道和典型报道,均不乏精品力作,引导舆论的水平有所提高。值得指出的是,陕西日报追记全省抗洪救灾创先争优共产党员杨宗兴感人事迹的通讯《一个最底层执政者的灵魂报告》刊登后,引起强烈反响,人民日报又在头版头条刊发《乡亲的泪,为他而 Our correspondent Shaanxi News Awards 2010 selection has ended recently. A total of 344 works won prizes, including 55 first prizes, 119 second prizes and 170 third prizes, all in the newspapers, radio, television and online news media in the province (including some news units in Shaanxi). In addition, the newspaper also rated 9 good columns, a good layout 14, a good title 21. Provincial college newspaper system and the provincial enterprise newspaper system also announced the selection. The winners of this Shaanxi News Award are generally good in quality. No matter the news, the communication, the special topic, the continuous report and the typical report, there is no lack of fine workmanship and the level of guiding public opinion has been raised. It is worth noting that after the publication of the “Report of the Soul of a Most Powerful Governing Man” published by Shaanxi Provincial Daily News, which appealed to Yang Zongxing, a pioneering and pro-communist member of the flood relief work in the province, a touching report on the soul of the communist party member Yang Zongxing, the People’s Daily also published a front- Folks folks, for him
Ive leed that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. Ive leed that no matter how much I care,
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel both rnAnd be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could rnTo where it be
冀芝一号是河北省农科院粮油作物所育成的早熟、丰产良种,现巳在河北、陕西、山西、山东、辽宁、河南、北京等地推广,成为我国北方芝麻产区的主要品种。 为探索冀芝一号的丰