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提起化学氮肥,最受欢迎的是硫酸铵、尿素,其次是碳酸氢铵;而对氯化铵则有“谈氯色变”之势。当然,氯化铵确实有缺点,肥料中有六成以上是氯,它是某些“忌氯作物”和盐渍土的大敌。但是,氯化铵也有其优点,如氯化铵含氮(N)25%,4斤氯化铵顶5斤硫酸铵施用。氯化铵还有个少为人知的妙用,它既是速效氮肥,又是硝化抑制剂,能起到氮肥增效作用。等氮量试验表明,氯化铵在春麦和向日葵上的肥效优于尿素,原因之一是氯化铵在土壤中以铵态氮形态存在的时间长,易被土壤保蓄。而尿素一经分解就硝化成硝态氮,在多雨季节或水田里易遭淋失和反硝化失氮,肥效降低。如把尿素和氯化铵等量搭配施用,肥效就高了。看来,对氯化铵要一分为二,施用时应扬长避短。生产实践表明,施用氯化铵时只要实行“四巧”,就能充分发挥其增产作用。这“四巧”是:避开“忌氯作物”和盐渍土,施量适宜(每亩60斤较妥),与其它氮肥搭配施用,用作追肥而不作种肥。 Mention chemical nitrogen fertilizer, the most popular is ammonium sulfate, urea, followed by ammonium bicarbonate; and ammonium chloride there is “talk about chlorine discoloration” trend. Of course, ammonium chloride does have its drawbacks. More than 60% of the fertilizer is chlorine, which is the enemy of some “chlorine-free crops” and saline soils. However, ammonium chloride also has its advantages, such as 25% ammonium chloride (N), 4 kg ammonium chloride top 5 kg ammonium sulfate. Ammonium chloride also has a little-known magical effect, it is both quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer, but also a nitrification inhibitor, can play a synergistic effect of nitrogen. Nitrogen content tests showed that ammonium chloride was superior to urea in spring wheat and sunflower. One of the reasons for this is that ammonium chloride exists in soil in the form of ammonium nitrogen for a long time and is easily stored in the soil. The decomposition of urea on the nitrification of nitrate nitrogen, in the rainy season or paddy fields susceptible to leaching and denitrification nitrogen loss, reduce fertilizer efficiency. Such as the amount of urea and ammonium chloride with the application, fertilizer is high. It appears that the ammonium chloride should be divided into two, should be used to avoid weaknesses. Production practice shows that the application of ammonium chloride as long as the implementation of the “four clever”, we can give full play to its role in increasing production. This “four clever” is: to avoid “avoid chlorine crops” and saline soil, the amount of appropriate (60 kg per acre more appropriate), with other nitrogen with the application, for top dressing without fertilizer.