寻找青年建筑师——关于“起点”的问题 吴海龙

来源 :城市环境设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwwvv9vvcom
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曼景工作室(Mass+Skin Design Studio)创始人城市城市是人类聚集和共享的巨大平台。聚集降低了公共资源的成本,共享合作导致新价值的产生。为了聚集与共享,城市需要有各种高速的系统网络来提供支持,以便可以形成一个母体,来支撑各种接入这个网络的个体或群体。城市的界定是通过与乡村的区别来实现的。在中国城乡的关系几乎是二元对立的,所以在城市化的进程中,城市的吸引力完全是主导性的。在这个过程中,乡村文化几乎受到毁灭性的灾难,而城市文化在这个疯狂的过程中,任由资本和效率摆布,形成了追逐利润和数字的基本基调。我们就是这样完成了我们物质状态的城市化,而心理上的、文化上的城市化才刚刚开始。 Founder of Mass + Skin Design Studio City City is a great platform for gathering and sharing of human beings. Aggregation reduces the cost of public resources, sharing and cooperation lead to the emergence of new value. To gather and share, cities need a variety of high-speed system networks to provide support so that they can form a matrix that supports a wide variety of individuals or groups accessing the network. The definition of the city through the difference with the country to achieve. The relationship between urban and rural areas in China is almost binary opposition. Therefore, in the process of urbanization, the attractiveness of the city is entirely dominant. In this process, the village culture was almost devastatingly catastrophic, and urban culture left the capital and efficiency at the mercy of this culture, forming the basic tone for chasing profits and figures. That is how we have completed the urbanization of our material state, and the psychological and cultural urbanization has just begun.
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