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为了促进健美操课在学校体育教学中不断发展和始终保持优势项目的地位,针对边疆高校,少数民族学生比例多的特点,以“健康第一”为指导思想,以终身体育为主线,面向21世纪构建和设计普通高校健美操教学体系,旨在从根本上扭转传统的重复技术传授为中心的内容体系,做好民族传统舞蹈动作与健美操技术动作的结合,创造适应本地区学生喜爱容易接受的实用健美操,推动健美操运动在边疆高校的进一步开展,也对弘扬少数民族传统体育文化作出贡献。 In order to promote the continuous development of aerobics class in school physical education and to maintain its position as an advantageous project all the time, aiming at the characteristics of the higher proportion of minority students in frontier universities and colleges, taking “health first” as the guiding ideology and lifelong sports as the main line, The 21st century to build and design college aerobics teaching system designed to fundamentally reverse the traditional repetition of technology teaching as the center of the content system to do the national traditional dance aerobics aerobics movement and the combination of technical action to create a suitable adaptation of students in this region Acceptable and practical aerobics, aerobics promote the further development of the border colleges and universities, but also to promote the traditional ethnic sports minority culture to contribute.
一什么是残奥会残奥会是残疾人奥林匹克运动会的简称,是针对残疾人(主要是肢残和视力残疾)的运动赛事, What is the Paralympic Paralympic Games Paralympic Games is the
糖尿病患者有无糖尿病眼病病变 ,常常需要眼科医生通过瞳孔使用某些仪器获得视网膜图象以便于诊断和指导治疗。现在新技术和先进设备的研制有可能改善和提高原有的诊断方式 ,
目的研究高效液相色谱-质谱联用法(HPLC-MS/MS)测定血浆中二亚油酰磷脂酰胆碱(DLPC)浓度测定的方法。方法 2010年11月-2011年1月,7例受试者,3例服用多烯磷脂酰胆碱软胶囊(试
目的 :分析X线检查正常的肺咯血患者在纤支镜下病变情况 ,初步探讨纤支镜对于X线检测正常的肺咯血患者在诊断方面的价值。方法 :76例肺咯血患者均采用镜下观察、刷检、活检。
今年初,全球亿万人如醉如痴地观看了巨片《泰坦尼克史》,而美国有的影评人对此却不以为然,反而推崇迷失在太空 Earlier this year, hundreds of millions of people around
’97安徽省戏剧创作工作会议于3月18日至20日在合肥召开,参加会议的有各地,市创研室和省直有关剧院,团负 ’97 Anhui creative work conference was held in March 18 to 20 he
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