Differential gene expression in salt-tolerant rice mutant and its parental variety

来源 :Science in China(Series C:Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rovewind
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The differential expressions of three genes rbcL, salT and rab!6 in response to ABA, NaCl, PEG and heat shock were investigated in seedlings of a salt-tolerant rice mutant 20 (mutant 20) and its parental variety Oryza sativa var. japonica 77-170(170). By Northern blot analysis it was found that ABA induced the expression of all three genes of rbcL, salT and rab16 in shoots and roots of both 170 and mutant 20 with the exceptions of rab16 in shoots of mutant 20 and rbcL in roots of 170. Lower concentrations of NaCl induced rbcL expression in shoots of mutant 20 but not 170. Higher concentrations of NaCl decreased rbcL expression but induced expressions of salT and rab16 in shoots of both 170 and mutant 20. PEG(15%) and 37℃ heat shock showed almost no effects on the expression of the three genes in mutant 20. However, they caused a decrease in rbcL expression and slight induction of the rab16 gene in 170, with salT expression unaffected. These results indicated that mutant 20 was relatively less responsiv The differential expressions of three genes rbcL, salT and rab! 6 in response to ABA, NaCl, PEG and heat shock were investigated in seedlings of a salt-tolerant rice mutant 20 (mutant 20) and its parental variety Oryza sativa var. Japonica 77 -170 (170). By Northern blot analysis it was found that ABA induced the expression of all three genes of rbcL, salT and rab16 in shoots and roots of both 170 and mutant 20 with the exceptions of rab16 in shoots of mutant 20 and rbcL in concentrations of NaCl induced rbcL expression in shoots of mutant 20 but not 170. Higher concentrations of NaCl decreased rbcL expression but induced expressions of salT and rab16 in shoots of both 170 and mutant 20. PEG (15%) and 37 ℃ heat shock showed almost no effects on the expression of the three genes in mutant 20. However, they caused a decrease in rbcL expression and slight induction of the rab16 gene in 170, with salT expression unaffected. These results indicated that mutant 20 was relati vely less responsiv
摘 要:多媒体计算机作为一个高效的教学辅助工具,通过提供最新的新闻信息,逼真的声音及画面等,来激发学生的学习热情和学习兴趣。此外,多媒体还是呈现语言知识体系的最佳工具,它能提供标准的语言发音,为语言学习带来不少好处。其在初中英语教学中,就得到了很好的应用。  关键词:多媒体;辅助语言教学模式;初中英语教学  一、 多媒体在初中英语教学中的优势  (一) 培养学习兴趣,激发学习动力  我们都知道,兴
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提升、运输钢丝绳的每种损坏都是多种因素综合作用的结果,由于发生作用的主要因素不同,使之有不同的损坏特征。其中主要应考虑环境、动力特性、 As a result of the combine
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摘 要:在现代科技不断发展的背景下,信息技术开始被应用在教学领域中。在高职英语教学中,实施信息化教学设计是教育发展中的必然趋势。当前,现代教育理念强调以人为本的思想,并要求教师在教学中要明确学生的主体地位,而实施信息化教学则可以使此教育理念得到贯彻。通过结合当前高职英语信息化教学的实施现状进行分析,探索了创设教学情境、构建线上学习系统以及完善考核机制等方案,以此来达成对高职英语信息化教学课堂设计的
摘 要:初中阶段的历史教学任务相对较多,肩负着贯通我国及世界的古代、近代、现代历史知识的任务。网络教学综合平台是当前很多学科领域当中尝试进行应用和推广的新型教学模式,对于初中阶段的历史教学工作而言,能够提升教学的丰富性和有效性,提升历史学习的有效性、加深记忆、提升学习的效率效果。本文结合笔者的实际教学经验,以当前我国的初中历史教学现状为起始点,对网络教学综合平台下在初中历史教学当中的应用策略进行了
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