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“风水”是一门艺术,通过对事物的安排,从建筑奠基到室内装饰,周密的考察了解自然环境,顺应自然,有节制地利用和改造自然,创造出良好的居住与生存环境。人类在生存和发展过程中,时时处处都要受到各种自然因素的影响,为了更好地生存和发展,就必须学会了解自然、利用自然、顺应自然、改造自然。风水理论思想把环境作为一个整体系统,这个系统以人为中心,包括天地万物。它有助于人们利用大地的自然力量,利用阴阳之平衡,通过探索、调整、优化建筑、自然、人体等各方信息,并使之和谐共生,赢得最佳的天时地利与人和,达到有利于人类身心健康、家庭和睦、事业发展的目的,达到天、地、人合一的至善境界,来获得吉祥之气,从而促进健康,增加活力。也就是说风水学的功能就是要宏观地把握协调各系统之间的关系优化结构,寻求最佳组合与配置。 “Feng Shui” is an art, through the arrangement of things, from the foundation of the building to the interior decoration, thorough investigation and understanding of the natural environment, conform to nature, use and transform nature under restraint, and create a good living and living environment. In the process of survival and development, mankind must be influenced by various natural factors from time to time. In order to survive and develop better, we must learn to understand nature, make use of nature, conform to nature, and transform nature. Feng Shui theory of thinking as a whole environment as a whole system, this system is people-centered, including all things in the world. It helps people make use of the natural forces of the earth and balance the yin and yang by exploring, adjusting and optimizing the information of various parts of the architecture, nature and human beings and making them harmoniously harmonious to win the best of times, It is beneficial to humankind’s physical and mental health, family harmony and career development. It achieves the perfect world of heaven, earth and human beings, and obtains auspicious atmosphere so as to promote health and increase vitality. In other words, the function of Fengshui is to grasp the macro structure of coordination and optimization of the relationship between the various systems to find the best combination and configuration.
为研究南瓜多糖对正常及糖尿病模型小鼠血糖的影响,本实验采用新的分离工艺从南瓜粉中提取得到南瓜粗多糖(PP),用DEAE分级获得3个组分,收集的主导组分过SephadexG -100柱,获