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(一)市风,是一个城市的社会风气。它是一定城市区域的居民群众在长期的共同生活过程中形成的、有着浓厚历史文化传统渊源的一整套生活习俗风尚和行为规范,具有调节和处理社会生活中的利益关系、人际关系等多方面的功能。而市民精神则是指一定城市区域的居民群众的思想意识、思想信念和心理状态。它和人们的价值观念密切相关,是价值观在观察、分析、处理社会生活实际问题过程中的外化。它规范着市民群众的思维方式和行为方式。市风和市民精神的区别,首先表现在彤态的差异上。市风是外在的、表层的,并且是感性的、生动具体的。它表现在社会生活过程中的各方面,范围极为广泛,较易直观感受到。市民群众在实际生活中,深受那渊源深远而又无所不在的生活习尚、 (A) the style of the city is a city’s social atmosphere. It is formed in the long-term common life of residents in a certain urban area. It has a rich set of habits, customs and codes of conduct that are rich in historical and cultural traditions. It has the functions of regulating and dealing with the interest relations and interpersonal relationships in social life Function The citizen spirit refers to the ideological consciousness, ideological conviction and psychological state of the residents and masses in certain urban areas. It is closely related to people’s values ​​and is the externalization of values ​​in the process of observing, analyzing and dealing with the actual problems of social life. It regulates the public’s way of thinking and behavior. The difference between the style of the city and the spirit of the citizenry first manifests itself in the difference between the two. The market wind is external, superficial, and emotional, vivid and specific. It is manifested in all aspects of the social life process, the scope is extremely broad and easy to intuitively feel. In the real life, the masses of the people are greatly influenced by the profound and ubiquitous life style of that origin,
法定计量单位以帕[斯卡](Pa)作为压力、压强的统一单位,医学常用的血压、眼压、脑脊液压均统一以千帕(kPa)为单位,其换算公式:1mmHg=0.133kPa 1cmH_2O=0.098kPa(kPa:k小写,P
AIM: To evaluate the role of N-myc downstream-regulated gene 1 (NDRG1) expression in prognosis and survival of colorectal cancer patients with different ethnic